Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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That's only if you aren't following shonen logic lol.

It's heavily implied Shanks and Blackbeard are probably going to be far more important and stronger than Kaido/Big Mom. Just the fact that they are being saved for later already sort of spells that out.
not really. Meruem in HxH is the strongest character and he was introduced a couple of arcs earlier. Hisoka too is probably stronger than most of Gon's enemies after the first arc

Kaido is getting beat in a team up to preserve his status as one of the strongest.

Sasaki Kojirō

ODA did not put BIG MOM alongside these 5 people, ODEN, Roger, Xebec, Shanks, WB prime, could it be that the CLASH of KAIDO and BM was not the same as Roger vs WB, because BM cannot do that?:quest::quest:

ODA nerfing KAIDO in a CLASH, I hope SHANKS can do the same, and we can see the CLASH of KAIDO and SHANKS from 2 years ago being the same as ROGER and WB.:datas::datas:
@Red Admiral @Seraphoenix


Zoro Worshipper
I think so too, made this a while ago:


Scaling him off Zoro Togen Totsuka has been overall hyped and portrayed in a similar degree of entity as Hiryuu Kaen and Zoro has still most likely gotten Asura in his arsenal or better Base moves.

Combat speed and reflexes/CoO wise they might be close, who knows.

Both enduring monsters, if not Zoro showed a superlative alleged barrier haki feat, and regardless defensive output feat, the burden of the proof is on Oden.

Oden is most likely possibly quite weaker than Zoro overall and Zoro is possibly not exactly as strong as a yonko.
To anyone laughing at Zoro saying this was his limit, y’all remember six chapters ago when we saw the best Sanji has to offer?? At least the former topped out against a Yonko, but I know mediocrity is what y’all crave, so here you go!!
I personally still think Zoro has more to give (later) anyway lol

How hilarious would this be if Zoro vs King and Sanji vs Queen still ended up happening lmao, especially after Zoro doing all this first.
Actually at best Shanks’ CoC is on par with Roger, Kaido, and Whitebeard. It makes no sense for the strongest CoC in the verse to go to the bum with the lowest ambition. Shanks’ only goal in life is to have others defeat Teach for him, and to watch Luffy become the Pirate king. Why would someone with such pathetic ambition have the best CoC? Lol
Lee ... remember when I told you in CoC Thread
" CoC will get the major hype soon and in 1 or 2 years people will start to jump at it?"
you said "no why should we"

stop damage control control ... respect the hype ... and we will for Akainu's awaking moment
You'll have to hold it when Oda baby sits you and have to explain why an hyped character for a specific trait is better than X despite them being around the same level.

Or maybe you'll still be too dense at the time to understand :kayneshrug:
When was shanks hyped for coc? We assumed he would have it and other yonkos won't. Thats not the case though :kayneshrug:
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