Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1010 Spoiler Summaries and Images

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Gol D. Roger

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|One Piece Chapter 1010 Spoiler Summaries and Images|

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Pepebusi Spammer
Thanks to Korean Leaks
and confirmed by Redon and Scotch Informers.
* 제목 "패왕색"

* 빅 맘 추락으로 시작

* 루피 기절한 듯

* 카이도가 프로메테우스를 놓아주라며 조로를 향해 공격하고
이 틈을 노리고 로가 카이도를 공격

* 프로메테우스가 빅 맘을 도우러 감..
키드 : 목적은 둘을 떼어놓는 거다!! 빅 맘은 맡겨라!!
조로 : 키드, 킬러......!!

* 빅 맘을 구한 프로메테우스가 빅 맘에게 무언가 부탁을 함.
(내용은 안 나옴)

* 조로 : 지금부터 쓰는 기술이 내 한계다. 안 통하면 뒷일은 부탁한다 to 로
"귀기, 구도류", "아수라", "○○", "망자의 ○○○○" to 카이도

* 카이도 : 너도 설마... "패왕색"을? -대화 생략-
충분하겠지. 이 상처는 남을 거다........!!
"뇌명팔괘" to 로

* 루피 일어서서 카이도와 대화 (그 중 일부분)
루피 : 네 방망이에 맞아보고 알았다...!! "패왕색""도 휘감을 수 있는거지?
카이도 : 손꼽을 정도의 강자들만 말이다!!!
그 후 루피 공격 연속기 후 카이도 쓰러짐

* 루피 : 너희는 내려가. 뒷일은 내가 어떻게든 이길 테니까...!! 그것만 모두에게 전해줘!!!

* 다음 호 휴재
- Chapter 1.010: "Haoshoku".

- The chapter begins with the fall of Big Mom.
- Luffy seems to be defeated.
- Kaidou attacks Zoro to free Prometheus.
- Law changes with Zoro and attacks Kaidou.
- Prometheus is going to help Big Mom.
- Kid : "The goal is to separate them!! Leave it to her!"
- Zoro : "Kid, Killer..."
- Prometheus saves Big Mom and asks her for something (we don't know what).
- Zoro : "This is my limit, if this doesn't work I'll leave you the rest."
- Zoro uses the Ashura attack against Kaidou (we don't know if the usual one or a new one).
- Kaidou : "It can't be... Haoshoku? Enough is enough. Brain Myung Bagua!!".
- Luffy recovers and talks to Kaidou.
- Luffy : "When you hit me with your bat, I understood everything...!! Did you use the Haoshoku?"
- Kaidou : "Only the powerful can do it!"
- After this, Kaidou falls before Luffy's attacks (one is the one in the image).
- Luffy : "At some point and somehow, you will fall."

- Break next week.
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- Chapter 1,010: "Haoshoku".
- The chapter begins with the fall of Big Mom.

- Luffy looks like he's defeated.
- Kaidou attacks Zoro to free Prometheus.
- Law changes with Zoro and attacks Kaidou.
- Prometheus is going to help Big Mom.

Kid: "The goal is to separate them !! Leave her to us !!"
- Zoro: "Kid, Killer ... !!"
- Prometheus saves Big Mom and asks her for something (we don't know what).

-Zoro chants some dialogue with the Asura technique (provider omits some of the wording)
-Zoro attacks Kaido with it.
-Kaido: "You also have King's haki?" (Some dialogue omitted by the provider).It's no surprise that this attack will leave a wound.

-Kaido attacks Law with a Thunder Bagua

- Luffy recovers and talks to Kaidou.
Luffy: "When you hit me with your bat, I understood everything ... !! Did you use the Haoshoku?"
- Kaidou: "Only the powerful can do it !!"
- After this, Kaidou falls before Luffy's attacks (one is the one in the image).
- Luffy: "At some point and in some way, you will fall."

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More info based on Korean spoiler:

Zoro tells Law that this attack is the best he can do so if this doesn't work, it's up to him.
Zoro chants some dialogue with the Asura technique (provider omits some of the wording)
Zoro attacks Kaido with it.
Kaido: "You also have King's haki?" (Some dialogue omitted by the provider). It's no surprise that this attack will leave a wound."

Kaido attacks Law with Thunder Bagua
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Pepebusi Spammer
from Redon in ArlongPark Forums
- Zoro tells Law that the attack he is going to launch on Kaidou is the best he can do, and that if it doesn't work, he leaves the rest to him.
- Zoro intersperses some dialogue with Kaidou while using the Asura attack and then attacks him.
- Kaidou : "It can't be ... Do you also have 'dynasty features'? This is going to leave a scar on me."
- Kaidou attacks Zoro and Law : "Enough is enough. Raimei Hakke !!"
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About next weeks

-Chapter 1010 on 09 April.
-Break on 16 April.
-Chapter 1011 on 23 April.
-Break on the 30th of April because of Golden Week *BUT* the spoiler of Chapter 1012 will probably get a leak on 27 - 29 of April by the Korean guy.
-Chapter 1012 with Full translation and everything on 07 May.
-Chapter 1013 on 14 May (back to normal base).

-just in case, Chapter 1012 (with and translation and everything) can get a leak on 28 April *BUT* with low possibilities.

*Everything could change *BUT* this depending in current situation.
One little detail I noticed from talkop that's not mentioned in the spoiler thread , is that Luffy says (to zoro and law i assume ?) to go down and to leave it to him and to pass the news to everyone.


Zoro is gonna recover like the red scabbard maybe ? I'm not sure with the translation though.

Edit : Since it's not very clear, it's not mentionned who is going down, i just assumed it was zoro and law since they were mentionned next to kaido just before.
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Q : ゾロの技は阿修羅弌霧銀?
Leaker : 阿修羅抜剣(ばっけい)亡者戯(もうじゃのたわむれ)
Q :
Leaker :
Q: ローはとばっちり受けて無事なのか?
leaker :

From :5ch


Pepebusi Spammer
Q : キッドとキラーは鬼ヶ島屋上からリンリン追いかけて居なくなるの?
A : ビッグマムは任せろフェードアウト


Leaker :


Oh well I was going to post it in the other thread since I didn't know if it was confirmed. But anyways.

This Leaker(?) says that Law is fine, he thinks Law avoided Thunder Bagua a it seems that attacks with Haoushoku gives damage even before hitting.

Ashura's name this time is Bakkei(which means drawing the sword) Mouja no Tawamure(which means prank of the deceased)

Another question asks if kid and killer leave the roof going after BM and if Haoushoku attack have names.

Leaker says that Kid and Killer said to leave her to then and disappear.
Haoushoku attacks don't have name but there something like dragon ball's Ki waves between the place they hit and the punch(there is someone saying 'but if he didn't touch me, but the leaker didn't say who, he said there was an expression like that so I will not say anything about this)

And Zoro seems to not know about Haoushoku as he was saying or had the expression of ' what are you talking about?'

The rest of this question is his opinion about how Haoushoku attacks work so I'm not typing about that.

And about if Zoro hit Kaidou with Ashura or not, he hit him but he said that he at least wanted Kaidou to fall, but there is blood coming out(from Kaidou I guess).

I'm on my phone so it will take a while to translate as I'm not really too fast writing from here. Sorry.


Pepebusi Spammer
Translation from Gizzy
Q : ローはとばっちり受けて無事なのか?
A : ローは意識はある 最後に攻撃が当たってないと解説

Q : Is Law ok after getting hit?
A : Law is conscious.
In the end, the attack didn't hit and there was some dialogue (I'm not sure who was talking afterwards, but most likely Law was doing some sort of dialogue)
Leaker :



Question asks about Napoleon and Zeus. Also about prometheus's request.

Leaker says it's difficult to understand(what happens with Zeus). He is not sure if Zeus was making the box float and trying to go to save Mom and Zoro cut him or if Zoro cut him because he broke the box making it float.

About prometheus is what the korean leaker said, Zoro kept cutting prometheus and Kaidou attacked.
We don't know what Prometheus asks.

Also he says that Zoro's attacks doesn't have Haoushoku in them. He says that Haoushoku attacks have a black lightning effect like Kaidou's Thunder Bagua attack and all of Luffy's attack but Zoro, 's attack didn't have it.
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