Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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Okay why some mention adv coc with Zoro ?

Well it's simple.

Kaido has been fighting Luffy and Kid and he never highlighted their coc.

Additionally when Kaido beats Luffy in act 1 he undermines the amount of coc users.

So kaido has no reason whatsoever to react at another basic coc user.
He has seem a bunch and no issue.

But Zoro coc shocked him and make him say "this will leave a scar".

So whatever Zoro displayed was above basic coc otherwise no point in making Kaido highlight it.
You are missing the point.
Kaido attacked Luffy last chapter with a CoC attack and Luffy realized he could do the same. Zoro was already doing it with Asura which of course surprises Kaido. Luffy proceeds to do the same with his attacks by the end of the chapter.

So either Luffy learned Advanced CoC in a chapter or what was showed here was just a different use of CoC rather than knocking out fodder and destroying the environment.
Playa, give me a quote where the word "advanced" is used.

It literally only says Haoshoku is applied to the attack.
Bro it doesn´t need to called advanced(it should still called in the chapter full summary).
Alone the fact that based CoC can´t get fuse with attack simple show it:
Luffy: "When you hit me with your bat, I understood everything ... !! Did you use the Haoshoku?"
- Kaidou: "Only the powerful can do it !!"
This is a adv with not everyone can do, that is ADVANCED version.
And Zoro legit show it with ashura a form who only show signs of CoC, Ashura is the reason why Kaido said the CoC thing with Adv CoC.
Both Kaido and Zoro having adv CoC and soon Luffy should have it too.^^
So it's safe to assume kaido could NOT dodge Asura in time, This makes Zoro's feat both a INSANE speed feat and damage feat.
Any YC1 would instantly die from that shit, Also the fact that Zoro use his Strongest attack AND IT'S NOT THE END OF THE ARC impies that Zoro will use something even BIGGER in his dedicated chapter, Now Who could take such a OVERPOWERED attack if not Kaido? ---->> ZKK is confirmed
This is the second time now you've made me apologize @rerere

100% from the introduction of CoC the best it did was break some wood and knock fodders out, to me I thought it was a meh ability just showing off your potential in the OP verse.

But if you can imbued your weapons and have an additional edge to someone who's your peer then this is something beyond expectations so again I was wrong lol (first time was about Killer if you forgot)
I remember, we all commit errors so no need to apologize. The important thing is to learn from those errors :goyea:
Luffy vs Akainu EoS

Akainu :

• physical monster

•extremely powerful and advanced haki (armament, observation and this application of CoC of Zoro and Kaido, whatever it is)

•strongest offensive devil fruit

Oda is trying to kill our admirals with the nerfs in the akumai no mi, but will not succeed ...

it wasn't just Zoro fans, also what do you expect if the only info given to us readers is fodder control - also to include we've seen Luffy fight against Chinjao, Doffy, & Katakuri and they most they did with CoC was fodder control.
It was mostly zoro fans and if you say no your just lying to yourselves they said it didn’t exist because of mihawk possibly not having it
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