Kind of funny that Luffy wants Law/Zoro to go under the roof and spread the news that he will solo Kaido

Similarly to Naruto vs Pain for example, when Naruto showed up and asked everyone to leave it up to him and not interefere cause he doesn't want someone get hurt from his clash...
It serves greatly for Everyone to give Luffy his RIGHTFUL 1 vs 1 post-timeskip cause Oda imo robbed Luffy from a legit 1 vs 1 throughout all of post-timeskip to a point there is NOT A SINGLE main Luffy fight that was not controversial for the fans... so I fucking HOPE, PLEASE ODA... I don't fucking care about powerscale shit that many people are obsessed with... Give Luffy his respect back.... I always go back to Arlong Park when Luffy said "I can't use swords, navigate, cook or lie.... but I can beat you" Luffy's role on the ship was ALWAYS beat the main fucking dude on his own.... and that STOPPED from happening with all the interferences and controversial fights that happened... so oda better deliver here... I could care less about Yonko power level fans or the huge power jump Luffy got and their high hopes of group fight...
Also, it's better to give luffy this power boost NOW, than later and delay it more.... Blackbeard is DESTINED to be defeated in SOLO by Luffy....and I think all of us agree that Blackbeard must surpass other Yonko by the time he fights Luffy... I think we all can agree on that... Big Mom is not guaranteed to be defeated by Luffy in classic fight too... Oda with amnesia plot, and Lola vivre card and her past can still make her a future ally... especially since Oda is giving us MANY allies from BM pirates like Katakuri or Pudding or others... and even Perospero didn't basically kill Pedro himself, Pedro blew himself up...I find it more stupid for Oda to make vastly inferior to other Yonko this arc, to win in group fight, then suddenly beat someone who will get stronger than Kaido (Blackbeard) in a 1 vs 1... that's more stupid
So for me, it's