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What does being top 3 strongest has anything to do with being fastest? And why would I be pissy or whatever about Law being strong? lmao I don't even hate the guy. I never said dodging TB isn't impressive btw. I just said it's not the fastest attack.
Redon said he attacked Zoro and Law maybe he hit Zoro with his club but the "black lightning" damaged Law


Zoro has CoC, but not the Advanced version that Luffy uses, that's what I understand from this.

It makes sense. Luffy's forte is CoC, only he should have its Advanced version imo.
By that logic, Luffy shouldn't have Future Sight or Internal Destruction
What does being top 3 strongest has anything to do with being fastest?
Man this must be the first shonen you read lol. Speed is part of strength, the stronger you’re the faster you’re. For example Meruem in HxH, Freeza in Dragon Ball. Both were extremely faster than they’re subordinates, who claimed to be the fastest

we literally see this in Saobody. Rayleigh is able to keep up with what should be the fastest character in the series
Hmm... Why would Law go down if he doesn't need any emergency treatment and still can fight? And to do what exactly down there?
He was pissed a few chapters ago at Luffy ordering him around, so... here we go again or what?
But if Oda is so impatient with Luffy having 1 vs. 1 already who we are to argue with him I guess...
Lol none of this is related to Mihawk or Shanks. People throw explanations of random characters into these concepts and wonder why they're getting confused.

Zoro shown his everything even Ashura and he couldnt do anything. Ashura hyps is finished. We told u, Ashura is not big deal. Dont wait from it big things. İts just Zoro's other technique.

I hope they dont say again Zoro kill Kaido with one attack.
Zoro's own understanding is what we'll get. He'll have a BoAT/future sight revelation of his Haki.

so Kaiod just wonders if it is CoC but zoro doesnt even havea clue.

oda having zoro have those ulti sparks clash with Luffy,,, makes Zoro having CoC unlikely,,, eh
for now i will just say Zoro has "CoC" not sure if it will eb confirmed soon.

he defintely doesn't have adCoC or else the sparks will be thicker like when Kaido does TB or whe roger attcks or when Oden attacks etc..

anyway Oden>>Zoro in AP and overall PL
Ahsura didnt even make Kaido unconscious for seconds nor had him on the floor. Kaido talking and still fighting like none much happened to his body,,,compare that to when Oden landed Tougen,, kaido was like he just had his worst nightmare, was all quiet.
Tougen Totsuka hit the dragon form, which is like 90% belly.

And Kaido's own AP has gone up so he's not the same Kaido anyway
You are wasting your prayers since there's nothing to overcome in the first place :cheers:
Zoro is now off the rooftop.

His Kaido battling days are over! He was the first SN beatin because he tried to hang with the big leagues

Now he’s given a proper fight vs guys of more his level like the beatle gifter or King
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