Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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This may be the best chapter in a while. Finally some not filler action taking place.

Zoro - I’m excited to see where he goes from here. I think he’s to injured to fight a calamity right now but I don’t want him to just sit out the rest of the night. Maybe law teleports he and Zoro to the room where he sent the scabbards and they’ll run into Hiyori/Toki whoever healed the scabbards.

Law - Same as Zoro but is in better condition right now. Can still fight or assist in a fight.

Luffy - HOLY SHIT Haki awakening.

The beauty to this is the fight is starting over where it was interrupted 20 years ago. Kaido is scarred facing down the leader of the rebellion one on one.
But after taken you kanabou, I now understand.
"Color of the Supreme King" can be used to "cover" yourself as well!"

Kaidou: "Worororororo...!!
It's true, but only a handful of people can manage to do that!!!"
Zoro's Ashura is CoC related confirmed :steef:

Zoro has been using the power of the strongest since PreTS :finally::finally:

Zoro built different :catsweat:

Bone shattered Zoro is still not down after taking a Thunder Bagua :steef:

Can anyone even surpass his greatness? :myman::myman::myman:

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