Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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Prometheus saved Big Mom right before she hits the sea. Big Mom praises Prometheus then complains how useless Zeus is. Prometheus says Zeus has always been slow, stupid and just a burden for Big Mom.

....Big Mom is gonna try to kill Zeus and then Nami will keep him. That would be absolutely terrible.
How I get it:
Prometheus: "Mama, I have a request."

Cut back to Kid and Killer. They stop at the edge of Onigashima. Kid comments how there's something weird going on with the clouds...
I assume a new homie get born, probably new zeus or something and the old one lose the power.
So Zoro didn’t consciously use Haoshoku, which is much better than what the initial spoilers suggested and certainly better than the people that tried to claim he was using advanced CoC.

We finally get to see Ashura after so long, which is cool as hell, but that’s not even what did it for me. It’s Zoro’s statement about Luffy that makes that scene cool. That stuff always gets me, specifically when it’s done by Zoro or Nami (both of whom have done it within the last fifteen chapters), and Jinbe as well. It just hits differently when it’s either Zoro or Nami, as they’re his two top crew mates, the two most important after Luffy, and the original trio. Those scenes are just gold.

But as good as Zoro seems to be in this chapter, Luffy’s the star of it. He just entered an entirely new tier. The hits he puts on Kaido with his newfound advanced CoC is sick, and on top of that he’s just been fighting Kaido in *base* and is putting the hurt on him. When he uses it with his gears? Phew. He’s a monster, and was before he even started using CoC, as we’ve seen this fight. He’s above admiral level, in my opinion.

Can’t wait to see the actual scans. So hyped right now.
Fuck no Luffy ain't the start of it
Only Luffy dickriders are the ones even talking about Luffy

Luffy has been irrelevant fuck for months now

Also unconscious or consciousness..Zoros advanced CoC fucked Kaido up and has been using it since EL while Luffys gay condom ass is now catching up


I make the same answer

people said Kid and Luffy was going to have a kings haki clash against Kaido and Big "The 4 conquerors" The problem is that Kid doesn't have the advanced haki like Luffy
Kid is nowhere near Luffy. Sincerely doubt he'll come close to defeating Big Mom, she hasn't even been harmed yet, with only Killer by his side he won't go far.

Then again it's Big Mom so who the fuck knows. But when you remember panels like these, yeah, hard to imagine anyone but Luffy taking her down :

i'll be okay if zoro doesnt fight king and rather goes to kill kaido after luffy defeats him, but zoro after doing this much in roof and then again high-diffing king is just too much disrespect to 3rd strongest in crew who hasnt done anything and will fight someone weaker than king
It's not really disrespect, Zoro has always been given more spotlight than Sanji in combat.
Like, was it disrespectful to Sanji that Zoro fought Ryuma and then had his moment at the end of thriller bark?
Sanji could still get his own Sanji exclusive moment aside from a main 1v1 fight, people only perceive it as disrespectful because of their own expectations.
Lmao this monster, Yamato was on the way to reach above, I assume she will help Luffy after he use again G4 and transform back.
Kaido tanking all attacks as nothing happen to him, even a CoC attack didn´t put this monster down lmao..
He is Kaido, he can't be put down just like that...Luffy vs Kaido just started...lot more to come from both Kaido and Luffy...mind you Luffy punching just in base....and adCoA aka penetration yet to be utilized far I think we have seen only 50% of Kaido.....and fights under the dome has to be finished yet.....and there is that Kaido flashback that is yet to come....this is going to be very big and long drawn fight....
Do some people still think Akainu is Luffy's final opponent?

EoS Luffy will have
Top tier CoO
Top tier CoA
Top tier CoC
DF awakening

Akainu gets mid diffed at worst lol.
Add Kizaru and they might push Luffy to extrem diff.
Exactly, lol. He'll probably play with him for a while and then leave him to Sabo. Then he'll go fight who is the real antagonist. Akainu is nothing more than a puppet, lol. :myman:


Never Feed The Badders Pasta
@Shisui_038 @Akai2 @Hades
Do y’all think Rayleigh training flashback incoming? And thoughts on Luffy about to 1v1 Kaido training CoC soon
I don't think a flashback is needed for this particular type of Haki. Ray basically said Luffy could not attain it throught training but through strengthening his own will. Luffy having a 1 on 1 is actually good for his growth. I am a bit shook tho, Kaido is yet to get his flashback and awakening. it is about to be one of Luffy's roughest ride in the series yet but it would be totally worth it. This is already way more than I expected from him. Ad CoA and ad CoC all in one arc. I swr I am actually proud of that boy :blush:
I don't think that there any chances of someone being in the place of Luffy when it comes to his fights with BB and Akainu.

For what regards Akainu and Luffy we have :

1)Enormous personal history.

2) Akainu also gave him his only scar (and scars have great importance and underline important relationships in One Piece, see Oden and Kaido, Zoro and Mihawk, Shanks and BB).

3)Akainu is the guy who almost broke Luffy, the guy who is the ultimate and sworn enemy of piracy, the guy who wanted to care of Luffy and every cost.
Akainu will get in Luffy's path.

In the new world, when the important changes in the world are being reported by Jinbe, Luffy stays calm at BB but his scar aches and his expression drastically changes when Jinbei mentions Akainu. We see that he holds a big grudge.

It's also no wonder that both Akainu and BB have paralleled Luffy in some way : those three all grew during the timeskip. BB became an emperor, Akainu became the fleet admiral.

There are also other two panels at Marineford where both BB and Akainu respective and flawed ideologies are put side by side. I don't think this was unintentional by Oda as well.

4)Big, big contrast between Akainu absolute justice and Luffy desire for freedom.

5)A great marine that fights a great pirate. This explains itself.

6)In Dressrosa, Luffy also says that he needs to defeat every admiral and emperor. And I wonder who he might fight from the marine side.

To finish, I think that Luffy having a 1 vs 1 against Akainu is pretty much set in stone, just like BB vs Luffy or Mihawk vs Zoro.

I don't see any actual buildup for Sabo being the one to take him out. In fact, I personally think that it's one of the worst popular theories out there.
The thing is Oda can easily go Wano route with him and Sabo gangbagging Akainu.

Luffy Said many times he will take down Kaido too,didn't stop Oda for having a buildup on Zoro's involvement and potential killing of Kaido.

Sabo was surely brought back for a reason, given Ace's fruit for a reason just like Zoro inherited Enma and Oden's will.

Sure there was not that much buildup with Kaido for Luffy as opposed to Akainu but Postskip Oda has proved to make even the unlikeliest things happen.
Sabo may not have been there at the time but I think he has as much anger directed towards akainu as luffy.

Sabo has also been in Mariejoa lately,who knows he may have met Akainu in Marineford on his way out and that serves as buildup for a future confrontation who knows.

Anyways I'm keeping this in the back of my head until the fight but it will surprising doesn't atleast involve Sabo in that fight despite many things pointing towards that.
Depends. If he's healed to a decent state and can fight King, then its alright IMO since someone helped him recover (i.e. Marco). If not and he still does fight King (somehow), I don't think anyone would be surprised at this point lol.

I think its abundantly clear Oda puts Zoro on a much higher pedestal than Sanji, especially after the last 12 or so chapters.
i know that, but gap between sanji and zoro is almost like of 2-3 tiers, i would have loved if it was just 1 tier gap
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