Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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From Redon:

Yes, Kaidou has taken quite a few blows in this chapter, but he is not affected by them at all (beyond a few gasps). Even Zoro's attack does not affect him that much (although he is going to leave a scar) since after receiving it he is still standing, he turns around, talks to Zoro and then attacks them as usual.


+ Years of PTSD

Man is a Base Luffy punch really gonna do more than Ashura:shame:
From Redon:

Yes, Kaidou has taken quite a few blows in this chapter, but he is not affected by them at all (beyond a few gasps). Even Zoro's attack does not affect him that much (although he is going to leave a scar) since after receiving it he is still standing, he turns around, talks to Zoro and then attacks them as usual.
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"And yes, Luffy's blows have been very powerful and have damaged him, but I'm sure he will get up like nothing the next time we see him."
Lmao this monster, Yamato was on the way to reach above, I assume she will help Luffy after he use again G4 and transform back.
Kaido tanking all attacks as nothing happen to him, even a CoC attack didn´t put this monster down lmao..
You guys who liked @Sentinel 's "King is not low top tier post"
@mly90 @Marco @Enma @Ice devil slayer @HA001
Be ready to change your tone the moment Zoro starts fighting against King. I am looking forward to you guys saying "Hybrid King > Base Kaido" the moment Zoro vs King starts. :myman:
I wanted King at the beginning because I can't stand the idea of Zoro starting a fight he doesn't finish. He better go back up
Yooooo Hype chapter!! Even for the useless Stoney!! Zoro going beyond his limit to save his captain from certain death!! Stoney doing mosquito stings and Saving Zoro! His attack power may be trash but his support Role is invaluable. Still overrated compared to Luffy and Zoro but whatever. Still awesome Job from him. :cheers:

Formerly Seth

To be fair, this isn't a 1v1, it's a 1v14.
Kaido fought the Scabbards then fought the SNs where the latter group all had ways of getting past Kaido's defenses. It would be hack shit if Luffy fought Kaido alone and inflict this much damage on Kaido alone. But this is a team effort like how Roger and Garp took down Rocks. I do, however, agree that Luffy reaching this strength in 2 weeks is a bit of a stretch.
If Luffy ends up beating Kaido here, he didn't do it alone. He done it with 9 scabbards + 4 other SNs which means that 14 people were needed to bring Kaido down. And this is before considering any possible future events like Hawkins or Drake coming upstairs to assist. Think of it like hunting a monster in Monster Hunter. :endthis:
Don't count Scabbards in. They did nothing literally nothing. Confirmed by Kaido. They just jumped at him with zero AP.
I know oda is showing off zoro's feats and clowning sanji but
am I the only one who thinks zoro fighting king in this condition will be too much of a disrespect to sanji?
Sanji is disrespect to commanders himself.

Zoro would wash King anyway.

King doesn't look like a promising fighter anyway.
Depends. If he's healed to a decent state and can fight King, then its alright IMO since someone helped him recover (i.e. Marco). If not and he still does fight King (somehow), I don't think anyone would be surprised at this point lol.

I think its abundantly clear Oda puts Zoro on a much higher pedestal than Sanji, especially after the last 12 or so chapters.
Yh you can change your name to Tissuechampion23 when Zoro vs King don't happen.
zoro fans when other characters do something totally unexpected of them(like zoro blocking hakai for sec, zoro scarring kaido): zoro goat , strongest,, hypee

zoro fans when luffy does something great and thats not even unexpected: bullshit writing, plot armor no mi, whatever the fuck they want

Hypocrisy at its best
Hypocrisy at its best is hiding one's hate boner for Zoro behind a crappy excuse like "not giving Luffy credits" to pretend that all his fans without exception called it bad writing despite it being a certain minority.
Do some people still think Akainu is Luffy's final opponent?

EoS Luffy will have
Top tier CoO
Top tier CoA
Top tier CoC
DF awakening

Akainu gets mid diffed at worst lol.
Add Kizaru and they might push Luffy to extrem diff.
To think of, Blackbeard has no chance against Luffy neither. Luffy can defeat BB without his fruit as well.
Do some people still think Akainu is Luffy's final opponent?

EoS Luffy will have
Top tier CoO
Top tier CoA
Top tier CoC
DF awakening

Akainu gets mid diffed at worst lol.
Add Kizaru and they might push Luffy to extrem diff.
It's a real shame they lost Aokiji, I wanted a repeat of 3vs1 battle.
Hopefully he will come back as a sword double agent so Luffy can get his payback on all of them.
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