Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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Translation thanks to @PuckTheGreat

Linlin: Ma~ma~ma...hahaha

Linlin: Prometheus...

Linlin: ...You're adorable <3

Linlin: What the hell is Zeus doing? Useless bum!!

Prometheus: Mama, my thoughts exactly!

Linin: That guy is clumsy, daft and always holding us back

Prometheus: Mama, I have a favor to ask~!

Linlin: Oh? What is it?


Killer/Kidd: Huff...Huff...

Kid: What is this? (The clouds are converging...?/What is up with the clouds?)

Killer/Kidd: Huff...Huff...

Kid: What is this? The clods are converging...?
Shit, Big Meme is making a new Zeus. So the old one will go to Nami without Big Meme being nerfed.
It isn't hypocrisy. Jack isn't that important to Luffy's goal to being a great pirate, defeating the Yonko are. Luffy has not only said it countless times, but Katakuri flat out confirms it.
Luffy said he will beat jack.

The point is Oda already set up big mom to fall in wano and purposely built up a relationship between Kidd and big mom just even last chapter big mom attacked kidd.

It will be Kidd luffy and law vs big mom and kaido.
Wait, wait, wait, so CoA level 3 was CoC all along??????

Apparently yes & he finally understood it & learned it
The Haki he used before in Chapter 1000 & onward was simply CoA Level 2 just like Scabbards

And this is logical because he activated CoC Level 2 when He & Hyogoro were going to die similar to how CoC is Unlocked in desperate situations
Kaido too have that & couldn't Block Asura

Yes ofc, just like Kaido too have Adv CoC & got a permanent Scar & BM shouted for him to Dodge before

Also Adv CoC allows you to make your Attacks hit from a distance but your attack is still the same, more powerful sure but it's still a punch or kick so against Zoro, Luffy is against Sword Slashes

Why do you think all Strongest with CoC have Weapons (Roger, Rayleigh, Oden, Kaido, BM, WB, Shanks ... etc)
It's because Swords are Lethal
CoC Punch can protect you from Sword Attacks but it can't protect you from CoC Sword Attacks

Luffy cannot defend himself against Shanks Sword Attacks like he did with Kaido, this is obvious
Funny how Oda is having Luffy learn this before his inevitable fight with Shanks, the swordsman whose CoC is off the charts....
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