Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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Talent is something you make bloom.
He could get it though eventually, especially if @Red Admiral was right with saying that the shadows Kaido was seeing behind Luffy are those who could use this advanced CoC in the past.

With Oden among those shadows, if he could do it, then this gives us something to look forward to for Zoro as well to learn to use to some extent by EoS.
But we ALREADY had something to look foward. Kaido just said "This is gonna leave a scar".
This attack right here should have been the one when Zoro replicates what Oden did, by permanently scarring Kaido. And even on his hybrid, which could be considered even more impressive.
But with oden, Kaido was briefly KO'ed, and when Oden moved in for the kill, he got interrupted.
Here? Kaido just got annoyed by it and immediately sent him flying.
I was hoping for something WAY more distinct. This felt completely rushed.
If it is just to drag things so Zoro can do something later on, how different it is from the shitty ass drag we had of Luffy climbing some stairs to reach Kaido on chapter 1000 exactly?
Just keep the freaking team fight.
He’s fighting with Killer because BM is fully healthy right now unlike Kaido who is injured. Watch Killer will get his cool moments then be taken out of the fight leaving Luffy and Kidd alone facing the yonko.
Killer isn t going anywhere . Zoro is coming back for luffy after his bloom to . Luffy and zoro end the arc top 2 supernovas . You see law looking amazed right he joins kid in that regard .
I'm thinking we are going to see a new form of G4 pretty soon. Tigerman will be on it's way. It'll be crazy if Luffy actually creates claws with his hands in this mode as it seems slashing attacks are highly effective against Kaido.... This will be my prediction for the 1 v 1.
Man, Luffy doesn't need anything anymore. If base Luffy is beating the shit out of Hybrid Kaido, Boundman will assrape him.
Luffy has somewhat reasonable power proggression to contend with WSC. He must picked up FS from Katakuri to at least deal with Kaidou's speed. Must picked up Penetra-CoA to at least deal the finishers later, must cook the CoC- offense recipe just to be worthy equal to Kaidou. So imagine Kaidou. A hundred powerups for Luffy to force himself to learn just to beat this SAVAGE BOI


Talent is something you make bloom.
Yea that doesn't make sense at all, plus reyleigh was ambiguous when he said that in some rare cases people can manifest another for of haki, so zoro having the ability to manifest his spirit.. and doesn't even know that he has COC... and Mihawk WSS training zoro doesn't even know he has Coc...... why does it seem like Oda is pulling a sneaky one on us again... its April after all
I legit think Oda is not pulling anything.
I legit think Oda is just dumb.
Katakuri is a mama boy who will never disobey his mommy.
Zoro would never disobey an order from Luffy.
Beckmann,Rayleigh I doubt they would argue with their captains either..
disobeying captain and liking to take orders are 2 different things,, I dont think katakuri would take orders from anyone other than bm same with zoro, beckmann, rayleigh, but kizaru's data book legit states that he likes taking orders
Man, Luffy doesn't need anything anymore. If base Luffy is beating the shit out of Hybrid Kaido, Boundman will assrape him.
Boundman burns up to much haki. Snakeman lasted much longer as it was a much smaller form and required less Haki to maintain. The same would be the case for other smaller variants. There's no way in hell Luffy ends this fight within Boundmans time limit.
Boundman burns up to much haki. Snakeman lasted much longer as it was a much smaller form and required less Haki to maintain. There's no way in hell Luffy ends this fight within Boundmans time limit.
Um, what? G4 is just a finisher at this point. He still hasn't even used G2/G3 yet. Imagine Red Hawk + CoC, or Elephant Gatling + CoC.
disobeying captain and liking to take orders are 2 different things,, I dont think katakuri would take orders from anyone other than bm same with zoro, beckmann, rayleigh, but kizaru's data book legit states that he likes taking orders
He takes orders from others = Sengoku,Sakazuki,WG = his superiors

And it says he likes to "do things at HIS OWN pace"
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