Powers & Abilities What makes a Black Blade Special?

Wouldnt that mean that Monet would have died back in PH?
Not really, since there was no active Haki on the blade.

But refer to what Mihawk said, "any blade can become a black blade" when referring to Zoro learning how to master CoA.

Not to mention the haki that Hyou described has the ability to cut anything it wants and not cut anything it wants.


Kitetsu Wanker
Not really, since there was no active Haki on the blade.
But refer to what Mihawk said, "any blade can become a black blade" when referring to Zoro learning how to master CoA.
What do you mean then with having CoA permanent on the blade but not active?
What do you mean then with having CoA permanent on the blade but not active?
Making a black blade is related to armament haki.
Mihawk said any blade can become a black blade, when referring to coating your blade with armament haki.

Conclusion would be a black blade is a blade thats permentantly effected by armament haki, changing the properties of the sword, making it more durable. This is to keep in mind that haki by Hyou was described as the ability for a swordsman to cut anything they want and not cut anything they want.
I don't get why only Mihawk and Ryuma made their blades black tho
Not Shanks
Not Fujitora etc
Shanks and fujitora are not the WSS
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Making a black blade is related to armament haki.
Mihawk said any blade can become a black blade, when referring to coating your blade with armament haki.

Conclusion would be a black blade is a blade thats permentantly effected by armament haki, changing the properties of the sword, making it more durable. This is to keep in mind that haki by Hyou was described as the ability for a swordsman to cut anything they want and not cut anything they want.
Of course the black blades require haki to make but thats NOT the same as them containing haki permanently

Swords in real life require heat to make but thats not the same as the sworrds literally containing heat permanently
Shanks and fujitora are not the WSS
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Of course the black blades require haki to make but thats NOT the same as them containing haki permanently

Swords in real life require heat to make but thats not the same as the sworrds literally containing heat permanently
Covering your sword with CoA = making it a black blade, words of the WSS himself.

Then what would be permanent black blade? A blade thats effected permanently by color of armament, thus changing it's properties.

The heat comparison is a bad comparison.
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Covering your Haki with CoA = making it a black blade, words of the WSS himself.

Then what would be permanent black blade? A blade thats effected permanently by color of armament, thus changing it's properties.

The heat comparison is a bad comparison.
Why is the heat comparison a bad example? Oda uses the exact same word when describing the two things. he says "Black blades are forged"

And nothing i've said contradicts what Mihawk said. It's ust that Mihawk was vague, and so vague that neither the readers nor Zoro himself even realised that he was talking about how Shusui was formed and everyone walked away thinking Shusui and Zoro coating his swords black are two different things

What i said matches what Mihawk says and what Gyukimaru says about "forging" and matches exactly how Shusui has behaved

Mihawk says you must "COAT" your blade in Armament for it to become black blade and thats true to what i said... You require Armament haki to be applied on the sword same way you require heat to be applied on a sword when making it... Then Gyukimaru says "Shusui was FORGED from Ryuma's countless battles"... This aligns with how actual swords are FORGED by HEATING them and then STRIKING them hard alot of times for the heat to set the components of the sword. In this case, Black blades are FORGED by coating them with HAKI then STRIKING them against other people's swords countless times in countless battles to set the "BLACKNESS" into the sword.... Lastly we know for a fact that Shusui does not have HAki in it permanently or whatever because it did not cut Monet... THis matches the description of "forging" because similar to how heat dissipates from swords after they set, Haki dissipates from the black blades once they turn permanently black
Why is the heat comparison a bad example? Oda uses the exact same word when describing the two things. he says "Black blades are forged"

And nothing i've said contradicts what Mihawk said. It's ust that Mihawk was vague, and so vague that neither the readers nor Zoro himself even realised that he was talking about how Shusui was formed and everyone walked away thinking Shusui and Zoro coating his swords black are two different things

What i said matches what Mihawk says and what Gyukimaru says about "forging" and matches exactly how Shusui has behaved

Mihawk says you must "COAT" your blade in Armament for it to become black blade and thats true to what i said... You require Armament haki to be applied on the sword same way you require heat to be applied on a sword when making it... Then Gyukimaru says "Shusui was FORGED from Ryuma's countless battles"... This aligns with how actual swords are FORGED by HEATING them and then STRIKING them hard alot of times for the heat to set the components of the sword. In this case, Black blades are FORGED by coating them with HAKI then STRIKING them against other people's swords countless times in countless battles to set the "BLACKNESS" into the sword.... Lastly we know for a fact that Shusui does not have HAki in it permanently or whatever because it did not cut Monet... THis matches the description of "forging" because similar to how heat dissipates from swords after they set, Haki dissipates from the black blades once they turn permanently black
You want me to explain why using heat to shape a blade is different than covering your sword armament haki which results in permanent change in the blade's properties over time?

Forging was a term used in 1 specific translation in the context of simply saying "became one" or "grew into one". You're aiming to connect heating up a sword to putting CoA on a sword because of the wording used by 1 translation? Forging is specifically used to refer to heating up the sword to shape it up. Is CoA heating the sword up? No. Is CoA changing the shape of the sword? No. So forging wouldn't actually even be the appropriate term to describe the method, as it involves no heat or changing of shape. But understandable why it was used by the translation to simply refer to "making it"

As for how it becomes a black blade whether it requires striking countless times or w.e might be the case, I won't discuss on that, as it's a mere speculation with nothing concrete referring to it in the manga.

I've already stated multiple times now, that the blade doesn't have active CoA. Regardless even if it did, whether he wants to cut Monet or not is completely up to Zoro. As haki gives him the ability to not cut even the thinnest of paper.
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This is term purrely of your own creation backed up by literally nothing in the story... you are creating an explanation that has no evidence and using it as the truth
As for how it becomes a black blade whether it requires striking countless times or w.e might be the case, I won't discuss on that, as it's a mere speculation with nothing concrete referring to it in the manga.
And on the point of mere speculation, the very panels you yourself sent are literally saying that the battles Ryuma got in made the sword black... ARe you not reading the panels you are using
1 specific translation
The OFFICIAL TRANSLATION which has been proven time and again to be WAAAAYYYYYY more accurate than the rest


Kitetsu Wanker
Monet didn't die right there because Zoro were using advanced CoA and choose not to cut her, just like how he didn't cut the tree leaves in Alabasta :luuh:
I am not sure it's that since its one thing touching tree leaves with haki coating and another thing touching a logia with it and splitting it in half. Advanced CoA should have damaged monet regardless since it makes her tangible, no? :unsure:
u forgot about boat nik :cheers:
I am not sold on boat being something else entirely, I think it is just CoO, a different branch of it and not related to cutting. :sus:
This is term purrely of your own creation backed up by literally nothing in the story... you are creating an explanation that has no evidence and using it as the truth

And on the point of mere speculation, the very panels you yourself sent are literally saying that the battles Ryuma got in made the sword black... ARe you not reading the panels you are using

The OFFICIAL TRANSLATION which has been proven time and again to be WAAAAYYYYYY more accurate than the rest
"Active haki" is a description of Haki being put out by the user of the sword into the sword. Ie, when Zoro coats his swords with CoA.

-I have explained it multiple times now. You haven't addressed my explanation at all. So I will repeat it again, last time.

Mihawk - States covering your blade with CoA will make it a black blade. Which is what Zoro's training was for, which he mastered, hence started drinking again.

A permenant black blade therefore is a blade that has its properties affected by Color of Armament, retaining the properties of CoA like increase in power & durability.

Hmm I haven't made a single post going against Ryuuma making his sword black in any other way. So no clue why you are bringing Ryuuma up as if I went against anything stated about him. Furthermore, all that's stated is he made it black through countless battles, that's not a description of how the blade changed it's properties, but how long it took for it to happen.

If you're looking for word for word accuracy, Jaminisbox would be the way to go. Viz has a tendency to simplify translations.

I posted the viz panel of Dracule stating "turned into a black blade" not "forged". Forged refers to changing shape of the sword, in its actual meaning. Turning a sword black is not changing it's shape.. hence the usage of "forge" in the panel that @Bogard posted simply means " change into" or "become".
Active haki" is a description of Haki being put out by the user of the sword into the sword. Ie, when Zoro coats his swords with CoA.
You saying there's such a thing as "active haki" means there's also such a thing as "non active haki" WHICH IS PURE HEAD CANON WITHOUT LITERALLY NO BACKFLIP UP

Mihawk - States covering your blade with CoA will make it a black blade. Which is what Zoro's training was for, which he mastered, hence started drinking again.
And my explanation has not disputed this... It just combines this explanation with what Gyukimaru says since we know for a fact that What Mihawk says isn't all there is to it as Zoro himself still doesn't know how Black blades are formed even though he listened to Mihawk

Furthermore, all that's stated is he made it black through countless battles, that's not a description of how the blade changed it's properties, but how long it took for it to happen.
Countless battles isnt a description of time dude.. c'mon Since when have you heard about something like this? You can have countless battles in whatever frame of time
.. For one I doubt Zoro and Mihawk are gonna have the same career span yet Zoro will get his sword blackened similar to Luffy becoming pirate king in like three years yet Roger needed several Decafes

You know what, let's make this simple

Give one explanation that covers the three things we know about black blades and it will be fine... We know from Mihawk that coating with armament is required... We know from Gyukimaru that countless battles are required... We know Shusui did not cut monet...just explain these things for me and we'll fine

Do not bring up pure head canon nonsense like active and inactive haki please.... thats just bullshit
You saying there's such a thing as "active haki" means there's also such a thing as "non active haki" WHICH IS PURE HEAD CANON WITHOUT LITERALLY NO BACKFLIP UP

And my explanation has not disputed this... It just combines this explanation with what Gyukimaru says since we know for a fact that What Mihawk says isn't all there is to it as Zoro himself still doesn't know how Black blades are formed even though he listened to Mihawk

Countless battles isnt a description of time dude.. c'mon Since when have you heard about something like this? You can have countless battles in whatever frame of time
.. For one I doubt Zoro and Mihawk are gonna have the same career span yet Zoro will get his sword blackened similar to Luffy becoming pirate king in like three years yet Roger needed several Decafes

You know what, let's make this simple

Give one explanation that covers the three things we know about black blades and it will be fine... We know from Mihawk that coating with armament is required... We know from Gyukimaru that countless battles are required... We know Shusui did not cut monet...just explain these things for me and we'll fine

Do not bring up pure head canon nonsense like active and inactive haki please.... thats just bullshit
1. Gyukimaru did not say countless battles are required, he described Ryuuma's sword becoming black over countless battles. That's how long it took Ryuuma, doesn't mean Zoro will take that long.

2. It is Zoro's choice whether he wants to cut Monet or not. That is part of haki when it comes to swordsmanship. Considering Zoro had already mastered Shusui at this point, whether he wants to cut Monet is up to him, reflect back to Alabasta.
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That's how long it took Ryuuma
That's not a description of time... I can have 1000 battles in 10 years or 10 months
It is Zoro's choice whether he wants to cut Monet or not. That is part of haki when it comes to swordsmanship. Considering Zoro had already mastered Shusui at this point, whether he wants to cut Monet is up to him, reflect back to Alabasta
So now you are adding on exta mechnics such as Zoro controlling OTHER PEOPLE'S HAKI? Remember this isnt Zoro's haki here. This is Ryuma's that somehow has gained permanent persistence... You are suggesting that Zoro can repress another person's haki therefore creating a new power no one else has ever stated... And don't claim this is the breath of all things since that's only been ever stated to be used with one's own haki and not someone else's

Anyway, if these are your arguments for your theory, making up haki abilities that don't exist and misunderstanding the concept of time then that's it then... you vlearly think you're right so we can agree to disagree