Questions & Mysteries Off to Wano



It is obvious Kizaru will come but with who else?
Greenbull? Akainu himself? Or Fuji?

For me It is either GB and Kizaru or Akainu and Kizaru showing up coz the NAvy will leave one admiral at the HQ while Fuji continue roaming the seas; his plot is linked to Revos and warlords.

Or Sengoku and co will look after the HQ
While Akainu, Kizaru and GB go to wano with Garp tagging along
You could make a case for every Admiral.

- Fuji: Pursuing Luffy and Law
- GB: About time we introduce him, no?
- Kizaru: Would be nice to see some action from him after MF, no?
- Akainu: It was mentioned that the Marines have gotten more aggressive under him, best way to show it would be leading from the front line.

Just send all 4 of them and let's get rid of those miserable Yonko :suresure:
It's not going to be an admiral. Too soon to involve the admirals into a major conflict, imo. And all 3 of them should be occupied with Hancock/Weevil/Mihawk. Sakazuki isn't leaving the HQ with the recent events with the RA.

Since this is the God Valley equivalent of this generation, the ones who'll represent the marines is going to be somebody from the younger generation.

- Drake, leader of the SWORD - already at wano
- Smoker, the leading main "young marine"
- Tashigi, get that sword hype
- Sentomaru, Sumo hype captain of the science corps

(Tashigi, Smoker, Sento made no appearance during any of the reverie or wano in-between chapters)
Along with them we'll possibly see the SSG debut, since that's the one thing the Marines haven't used yet, and have yet to test out.
So we'll get a rise of new Pirate Generation & new Marine Generation. With Smoker & Luffy representing each faction respectively.
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It's not going to be an admiral. Too soon to involve the admirals into a major conflict, imo. And all 3 of them should be occupied with Hancock/Weevil/Mihawk. Sakazuki isn't leaving the HQ with the recent events with the RA.

Since this is the God Valley equivalent of this generation, the ones who'll represent the marines is going to be somebody from the younger generation.

- Drake, leader of the SWORD - already at wano
- Smoker, the leading main "young marine"
- Tashigi, get that sword hype
- Sentomaru, Sumo hype captain of the science corps

(Tashigi, Smoker, Sento made no appearance during any of the reverie or wano in-between chapters)
Along with them we'll possibly see the SSG debut, since that's the one thing the Marines haven't used yet, and have yet to test out.
So we'll get a rise of new Pirate Generation & new Marine Generation. With Smoker & Luffy representing each faction respectively.
When Garp and Roger fought rocks
Both garpa nd Roger were in prime

Smoker whateve risnt even there.

We are talking about WSC Kaido and BM
Not Rookie Kaido and Young BM that lost to Garpa and Roger pirates.

The only one after walrords is Fuji
And Navy dont need all 3 admirals to capture warlords.
SSG and Fuji will take down warlords and other pirates.

Kizaru/GB do not give a damn about warlords.
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When Garp and Roger fought rocks
Both garpa nd Roger were in prime

Smoker whateve risnt even there.

We are talking about WSC Kaido and BM
Not Rookie Kaido and Young BM that lost to Garpa and Roger pirates.

The only one after walrords is Fuji not even
And Navy dont need all 3 admirals to capture warlords.
SSG and Fuji will take down warlords and other pirates.

Kizaru/GB do not give a damn about warlords.
They were not in their primes. Considering Garp continued getting stronger when he faced off against Chinjao.

Fujitora - went to Amazon Lilly
Kizaru & Green Bull weren't shown at the HQ, they likely went after Weevil & Mihawk.

GB & Kizaru not giving a damn, has nothing to do with Sakazuki sending them lol. Them going is Sakazuki's choice not Fujitora's/GB's/Kizaru's.
This all depends on how well their shichibukai hunt goes. Weevil, mihawk and boa might defeat the marines coming after them, so i am not sure the marines would actually deploy an admiral or even 2 to wano.
No Admiral will be used to go after the Shichibukai, calling it.

Vegapunks new creation will be used for the Shichibukai hunt.

Kizaru teasing his arrival on Wano is a good distraction from Oda in my opinion. I think Greenbull will show up in Wano, instead of Kizaru.


Custom title
Warlords are not a VERY big deal I think they are just testing the Vegapunk's thing on them and not going full force srsly mihawk and Weevil might be strong but they are alone warlords are not a big deal that requires the full Navy to deal with....
I think it all depends on what the Alabastra stuff is about (if it requires Admirals or Not)

I mean 2 Yonkos joined forces and the only guys who can deal with that are the Admirals so they either send them or nothing...
It's not going to be an admiral. Too soon to involve the admirals into a major conflict, imo. And all 3 of them should be occupied with Hancock/Weevil/Mihawk. Sakazuki isn't leaving the HQ with the recent events with the RA.

Since this is the God Valley equivalent of this generation, the ones who'll represent the marines is going to be somebody from the younger generation.

- Drake, leader of the SWORD - already at wano
- Smoker, the leading main "young marine"
- Tashigi, get that sword hype
- Sentomaru, Sumo hype captain of the science corps

(Tashigi, Smoker, Sento made no appearance during any of the reverie or wano in-between chapters)
Along with them we'll possibly see the SSG debut, since that's the one thing the Marines haven't used yet, and have yet to test out.
So we'll get a rise of new Pirate Generation & new Marine Generation. With Smoker & Luffy representing each faction respectively.
Lmao King could solo those 4
I think Marines will come in TWO groups. One in the middle of war. And one at the VERY END of arc.

- First, I do not believe that Fujitora / GreenBull / Akainu will go to Wano. In case of Fujitora & GreenBull, I'm a firm believer that Fujitora and Greenbull are actually gonna be heading to Mihawk & Hancock.

- In case of Fujitora, I think Fujitora's card is somewhat burned since his whole existence as a marine navy was to abolish shichibukai system. and he accomplished that. Which means his purpose as a character was served, and the only thing left is to showcase his full strength and his backstory of why he cut his eyes. So, I'm a firm believer that since his card is somewhat burned, Oda will demonstrate Mihawk's swordsmanship on Fujitora who is probably heading to Mihawk.

- In case of Greenbull, the guy is still mysterious, so there is no way he will be done in by another character. However, considering Oda showcased him talking about beautiful women, then I'm assuming he's leading the charge of the ships that Coby is in, and he's after Hancock. I'm a believer that Hancock as a character will be captured once again, and then Luffy will have the chance to repay his debt to her and save her considering that her identity as a former slave of Tenryuubito can be highlighted and Luffy after Wano will probably have the strength to save her as an official Yonko.

- In case of Akainu, I have no reason to believe that the Fleet admiral himself will head to Wano. And he himself as of this moment is not with the idea of interfering with Wano, which is why Kizaru is STILL NOT YET going there. However, Kizaru will lead a charge at the VERY END of the arc when things are all set and done.

- On the other hand, there is a marine character whom was involved with Rox before, and EVEN at old age, I can imagine he would give the SH alliance a BIG BOOST. Which is the hero of the marine, Garp who was responsible for defeating Rox. And his own grandson is involved here.

Also, we know that Garp talked numerous times about him being Vice admiral because he's got more freedom, and we know Garp does things on his whim, and doesn't listen to superiors. So, him actually going to Wano and not listening to Sakazuki's order is not something farfetched to imagine.

Which is why I believe the Marine involvement of Marines will be in two Groups:

1- Garp's group: We may finally see what Bogard, his right hand man can do hahahahaha. I think Garp will arrive right after the fail of the SH alliance, and when they need to regroup after their first failure i their attack against Kaido and Big Mom. Meaning this upcoming attack, there will be major failure, and Luffy will lose against Kaido/Big Mom. And the alliance will try to regroup, and in that moment, I believe that a BIG BACK UP will show up in the form of (Marco and some characters he came with, maybe Weevle after he beat his ass lol, Garp's group, as well as Jinbe's group with SH grand fleet). this will be a major back up after a huuuuuge loss for the alliance and many were defeated already and lost a lot of numbers. The battle will continue on and on until the end

2- I think the second group will be lead by Kizaru, but after Akainu gets intel from people of the marine inside Wano that he needs to make a move now since Big Mom/Kaido are on the verge of defeated IF NOT defeated already by the alliance. The Marines coming in, and actually marking their official entrance as well as trying to make Wano as a country having a direct contact with Navy, will mark the official "opening the border of Wano Kuni" dream of Oden true. So, I think that Luffy will mark Wano as his own territory as a new yonko, BUT he is not someone who would object for Marines to set foot on it, and Wano itself may actually want their border to open for marines to come. As they may get affiliated with WG. So, Oda can somehow spin it in his own way, I don't know how though hahahaha

Regardless, I have a feeling that despite Garp's BIG HELP in this war with Luffy. I'm a firm believer that Garp will DIE in this war, and he is the big death for Luffy in this arc. Though Oda can be a bastard and kill more than Garp, since it would be bigger than Marineford (WB and Ace). Oda may kill Garp along with 2 or 3 other prominant characters. Law is a famous candidate, though I never cared about him dead or alive.

If I had to choose people from our side getting killed in this upcoming war, I'd choose one from each factions:
1- Garp (Biggest kill)
2- Drake from Supernova instead of Law (Fans are gonna hate me hahaha). Usually that's the end of spies, they die sadly and in heroic ways.
3- One of the SH grand fleet captains
4- One of the Scabbards (Izo, cause WB pirates are finished, and Kiku is the living spirit who will inherit Izo's will)

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Any (all?) of the admirals would make sense, but Akainu’s not coming to Wano. He’s been so reticent to get involved with the shogun or anything else related to the isolated nation, I don’t see him suddenly deciding it’s time to make a move. Maybe the Yonko alliance changes things for him, but again, I could see him deploying Kizaru/Fujitora/Ryogukyu or some combination thereof to handle things in his stead. With the Marines currently occupied with hunting the Shichibukai/holding off Blackbeard with whatever he’s doing, he has other pressing matters he must have deemed more crucial at the moment.