anything else. your argument is so easy to be broken
You arguments are pointless and I debunk any of them, like the Usopp and Nami partt where you stop writing back because of knowing you are wrong:
-literally some post here shows the clip where mom imideately soften when the children go to her.
Forget the scene where she attack Chiffon, a castle where she had her children or when she bully Pudding?
You gonna forget where she was just bad that her own childrens(Opera and co) fear her so much to a point to lie about stuff and leaving her island? She threat her own childrens as trash, to a point where Katakurii want her to get defeated by Luffy, his own Mother?
You guys are delusion asf if you believe BM much care about childrens when the order her crew to destroy island and kill people, she literally not care for Chiffon son too.
Also another bs point is that she only care for Tama, but in case Momo know Olin also why she didn´t protect Momo?
Otama and Momo where with BM together, she should remember him too but the same guy was ignored and Bm not give any fuck:
So much for her threating the guys who help her.
It is just Oda bs writing with come off shit stuff only to give the alliance a chance to with PIS plottools on their side.
Otama already did more then Nami+Usopp together for the war with tells a lot how much Oda care for the strawhats, they became background while the samurai(scabbards) and other important character get more shine, tells a lot how bad this raid is now.
-yeah she kill chefs and? is the chef children? luffy kills people, katakuri also kills chefs.your point is?
The point is that she never care for anyone, if you make mistake or beeing her enemy you get killed by her.
Even Opera her own son or Perospero where scared of her own mother with tells a lot.
-you literally are speed reading one piece. red poneglyphs are what made you pirate king. yonkou need armies because those are within other yonkou's property.
And she can´t take a one yonkou alone without help, this was clear since the start off one piece.
She would risk anything if she alone would try to take the other yonkous, Whitebeard and Kaido make it clear with facing another Yonkou, the risk is high that you lose anything.
Having two poneglyphs don´t change anything, without any alliance she can´t take Shanks and BB after facing Shanks alone.
Rather having Kaiido and his crew on her side she throw it away for Tama, but don´t care for Momo?
Smile is just a plot device, like tama. A Mac Guffin.
Smile is just small in significance of antagonistic point of view because allstar and flying 6 exists. Its just there to be a fodder.
The smiles where a big plot overall for the story, for Kaido, for Doffy, for Law and also for the war, to stop the smile or weakenend them was a major plan of Law. Alone you compare the build up over 400chapters with a small frey like Tama showing your based skill for reading One piece.
Tama is basically a PIS, plottool for Oda to change the side of the war in favour for the strawhat, nothing less.
He use her to bring Luffy in udon, he use her to take control over Udon, her character is just based on beeing just PIS, to save the alliance.
A 8year old child outshinning the strawhats like Nami and co right now, basically another character who steal the show of the strawhats like the scabbards.
Kinda funny how I could tell before even the chapter coming out with guys would defend that this here, basically as I expect the same user who defend it everytime.