Talk about other one piece villains how much you want, don't talk shit about Akainu and BB
Akainu :
•Twisted vision of justice to the point of taking extreme lines of action (such as Ohara) that makes him very hateable.
•Ruthless, relentless in his pursuit of pirates, he can be manipulative.
•He terrorized the WB pirates, he killed Ace, causing Luffy's biggest trauma to this day and making him question his dream.
•He fried the hell out of WB, he continued to hunt Luffy for the rest of the war despite everyone trying to protect him.
Everyone put their lives on the line against him. An enraged WB who had just seen a son die by his hands, the WB pirates, Jinbei, Ivankov etc.
And they only managed to give more time to Luffy to escape.
Despite that Luffy still almost died and Akainu only stopped later.
•BB gets the fuck out when he sees him on the ship.
•Extremely cunning, he waits years to set up a perfect plan, has no moral blocks in killing a crewmember (and later on his "pops" as well).
•A parallel of Luffy in a twisted way. He believes in dreams. He embraces the concept of freedom and people doing what they want but this would ensure total chaos.
•Whenever he moves, chaos happens indeed. The architect of the MF war which he perfectly exploits to his advantage. Ruthless as hell in many situations, at Impel Down as well.
•He discovered a way to eat more than one devil fruit.
•He clowned Marco and the rest of the WB pirates in the Payback War.
•He will most likely kill Shanks, to further fuel his dynamic with Luffy.
Those two get shit done and they give you a sense of tension and danger like nobody else