How Will O-Lin Play Out?

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If pay pay survives this it’s clearly a set up for Usopp to “defeat” him. And some people legit believe they’re a Yonko crew just because they’re top heavy smh
It sounds like Big Mom yeets Pay Pay through the ground

I’m going Usopp and Nami vs Ulti and Chopper + someone vs Page One

Seems like none of the Tobi Roppo fights will be one on ones except Jinbe vs whos who right now.
Shouldn't matter. Recovery is recovery for an ancient zoan. If he tanked it and is fine then that's dumb. If he's out for 10 chapters but comes back to be a threat that's not really a problem either. He should fight Usopp or Chopper.
Even ancient zoan have their limit, best example is Kaido and Marco. It depends on their stamina. The attack will for sure nerf Pageone. No way he coming out fresh after a adv CoC attack of a Yonkou. That should be above a regular G4 attack lmao.

If he stand up again he will fight nerfed against Usopp or Chopper.
Kaido had bandage 3days after his battle with Oden. Even Sengoku had bandages. With such a high caliber attack,it going be hard for Pageone to recover fast.
Next chapter will probably be Ulti getting spanked before Kid shows up and takes Big Mom away, leaving the Staw Hats two extremely gimped enemies.

The straw hats are a joke aside from Luffy and Zoro
Agreed to the last sentence. I think Oda needs to give nami usopp and brook a big mom solo fight
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