People were trashing on Katakuri because he fought base Luffy for hours, now people realise how powerful MC's plotarmor really is.

Hody/Monet/Caesar are not Doflamingo level.
Apoo should not have been able to hit Luffy past future sight, and neither should Queen have been able to bite him out of the sky with rocket.
Katakuri wouldn't have got one shot by Raimei Hakke, neither would have Luffy if he was in a proper mental state.
Luffy will still get clowned 99% of the time.
This goes back to fighting Buggy and getting captured despite being way stronger.
Doesn't mean Luffy's top end base strength should be disparaged, there is no logical reason why base Zoro would be stronger than base Luffy, even before adv. CoC.