Questions & Mysteries Sanji and Page one did they beat each other ?

Sanji vs Page one

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What did u say sanji tard :risicheck: translators translate it :risicheck: waiting for sanji's win:yurazclear:
Zoro arrived in Wano bearing Shusui, which he received from the swordsmaster Ryuma in Thriller Bark. He became the ronin Zorojuro and began to gather allies... or so he was going to. Falsely accused of being the tsujigiri, he became nationally wanted! Yet those adverse circumstances were no big deal; he cut down strong opponents one after another and eventually obtained the meito Enma! To cut down an oni in one clean sweep, he's on his way to Onigashima!

Something about him cutting the magistrate but text is too blurry...

He achieved a complete victory with Rengoku Onigiri over Killer, the manslayer Kamazou who terrorised the Flower Capital!

Demonic Sword Enma: Wielded by Kozuki Oden and one of the 21 O-Wazamono. It produces unnecessarily large slashes by drawing out more of the wielder's haki than is needed.

He crossed swords with Gyukimaru of Oihagi Bridge!
• Hi Guys ;

now after the VCs informations got posted with what we have as informations in the manga :

1- VC didn't confirm that sanji beat Page one in its text neither in his history :gokulaugh:+ No statement / Panel from Manga . :gokulaugh:

• Let's analyse his fight now with what we have:
1- Page one used his Zoan form to destroy the city and calling for Sanji to come out while eating fruits around.

2- Sanji came to help the ppl there to play his role as a Hero and kicked Page one on his Face but he didn't damage him ( bleeding ) .
you can see Page one laughing at him like sanji isn't a big deal for him even after he kicked with his leg .

3- Sanji wants to take Page one out of Kaido Crew for good and that can only be obtained by crashing your opponent for good .
and sanji saying he would take this enemy in no time is just a shit talk like how he said i would help my captain out in the end he said we are screwed and needed help from his brothers :shocking:
from here we will start debunking Sanji stans's headcanon .

4- Sanji used RS .

And per VC words he used speed boosters .
you can verify the VC and you will find them posting the panel like the one in the spoilers below .

* Some sanji stans said he didn't use speed boosters or those speed boosters can give him light speed :shame::risicheck:

Now let's talk about how speed is a boost for AP and with that we have to bring Kizaru .

which means Sanji basic kick in RS with boosters >>>>>>> Base sanji kick .

• But again even with the boosted kick he couldn't make him bleeding while using cheap shots with the advantage of invisiblity offered by RS itself :risicheck:
Now with the limitation of the Zoan form ability vs having someone who can turn invisible / blitz you / sneak attack you Page one chose to use Hybrid form which offers him mobility and other advantages that were lacked in Zoan form while still having the same durability which is offered by the Ancient Zoan form .
In the panel above we can see what Sanji used against Zoan form Page one to kick him to the ground without damage :

1- Invisibility
2- Accelerators
3- floating devices

5- Page one came to sanji with a swing of his hand ; he clashed with Sanji who kicked back but got overpowered and sent flying through the city who got destroyed on the process .

Now we need to focus on the panel below cuz there is a headcanon used by Sanji stans they claim that this RS's defense / durability is only shown in the cape but here we have :
1- Sanji kicked back and got overpowered in his feet and sent flying through the city leaving rubbles there but our topic is when sanji said this stuff is durable not the cape heck he didn't even use it here which means the suit's material all over is helping Sanji taking attacks head on and the same thing got noticed when King's beak was on Sanji's belly but he didn't get pierced because of the durability of the RS not the cape .

So we return to our original point which is :

Well as implied there just a no named swing of Hybrid Page one could overpower RS Sanji whi kicked back but he still got hurt .
Page one thought he beat him and let his guard down .
Sanji sneak attacked him again using the floating device + accelerators to kick him down and we see Page one screaming .


In the End of the day the fight didn't continue and Sanji didn't beat him whilst Page one let his guard down thinking he accomplished his mission .

The proof of that is said at the start of the thread .
+ this :

After the fight against Page one The very next chapter orochi and kyoshiro was discussing the damages and orochi said only low level kyoshiro thugs got beat . A topi Roppo getting defeated would be major news in wano . Sanji did not beat page one hits like how he did not take him out of the war like he promised .
So sanji used RS abilities all of them but he didn't beat Page one nor made him bleeding instead he went back .:chirstsad:

• Now let's discuss the portrayal of Page One :

1- He calls Kyoshiro Boss :shakiously:

2- whilst Other Tobi Roppo didn't ( Sasaki or WsW showed rivalry and took Drake seriously )

which shows that Page one is the weakest of them :chirstsad:

• In the end Sanji RS abilities without using DJ could kick Page one without damage the latter counter attacked without using named attacks or Haki ( wano known for Ryuo ) but he made Sanji hurting a little bit because of the suit durability in the end Sanji failed in taking him out meaning beating and Page one also failed in capturing him while both of them didn't take the other quite seriously and both were holding back but Sanji literally used all of the suit advantages so far against him .


@Prince Kronos @Jackteo @HA001 @Aknolagon @Zowo @Erkan12 @Geo @MarimoHeado @Marimo_420 @stairs-kun @Finalbeta @playa4321 @nik87 @jmena @stealthblack @ShishioIsBack etc etc .....
Do we think Basic Kicks from Sanji Raid suit or not should be able to damage an ancient zoan? A Basic None Diable Jambe Sanji kick is basically Luffy punching without Gears........Add the Raid Suit and a Basic None Diable Jambe Sanji kick is basically Gear 2 Luffy Attacks. Add Diable Jambe to the Raid Suit Attacks were talking Gear 3 + Attacks.

All the suit does is add more speed, Speed adds more power sure but again a Basic Sanji kick without diable jambe is not that crazy powerful to begin with. Raid Suit Kicks without Diable Jambe are probably equivalent to what Luffy can do in gear 2......


Zoro Worshipper
P1 is out of commission and Sanji is too strong for him already.

With Perospero having his eyes set on a fatigued Marco, only person left that can fight a calamity is Sanji and Law considering Zoro is out of commission, Kidd is going after BM, Luffy with Kaido and Killer with Hawkins
Well yes right now at least Page One looks almost defeated. It's worthy of notice that it took an ACoC strike from BM at full power to put him close his defeat.
Page One has been in the most fights/clashes of all the current Flying Six yet there isn't much he's shown so far that that he didn't bust out against Sanji. In contrast, we know Sanji didn't use Diable Jambe (Sanji mostly uses invisible armament so we can't really tell as far as that goes).

Page One has faced Sanji, Luffy and Usopp and Nami but still hasn't shown haki or used any attacks stronger than the hit that destroyed multiple houses. Just saying we, as the readers, know Sanji held back but Page One fought Sanji like he fights every battle. I'm just saying the guy has yet to show anything noteworthy aside from what he had already displayed in the Sanji clash and now he's on the floor and knocked out so I don't think he'd have turned the tables on Sanji. Even if he had haki, nothing to suggest it's better than Sanji's (Sanji's haki isn't all that either). I'm just saying maybe we shouldn't give abilities to characters that haven't shown them, especially a guy like Page One who didn't display these things in any of the clashes even when he was getting dominated.

Plus as far as named attacks go, Sanji didn't use a single one against any Ancient Zoan, just like Page One has yet to use one since his debut. I'm just saying overall, Sanji had more abilities at his disposal while it's unlikely Page One held much back considering even up to now he has yet to show anything impressive that he didn't use before.