We strangely haven't had much Zoro and Sanji interactions since Dressrosa. Even their reunion at the Capital was shortlived, and all we've had were small exchanges between them. It's good to finally see them together for a good while. There's even a slip of respect from them each. Zoro letting himself relax because he trusts Sanji to keep him safe, and Sanji commending Zoro for surviving the fight against two Emperors.
However, it makes the cliffhanger on what Sanji was doing in the meanwhile pointless, since he didn't get to carry his decision out. But now that we know they are heading to the Live Floor, it assures the pair will fight the Calamities there on some level.
I think this chapter might be in reference to characters mentioning an "itch." Both literally and figuratively.
Beyond literally saying the expression, lots of characters are "itching" to do something the whole chapter. The minks are "itching for revenge," Kiku is "itching to fight Kanjuro again," Nami's "itching to fight Ulti." I'm curious how Viz will approach this.