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Chapter 1013
- Page One gets up and tells King that BM has betrayed them
- BM gets pushed away by Kid and Law with a combined attack
- Denjiro finds Hiyori
- Kaido vs Luffy. Kaido uses a new technique called "Inferno-Tsume" right at Luffy's scar (which Akainu made). Then comments on the Will of D and Xebec having it
-At the end of the chapter, Moria and Perona arrive on Onigashima. Moria says that the dawn is still far away
Chapter 1013 spoiler:
Chapter title : Fallen Angel

- we switch to the live floor
- Marco vs King
- We learn about the Kings race, it is said that 800 years ago dark angels fell from the sky
- they were called devils
- the ancient race had black wings and fire abilities
- after the Void Century they were chased for hundred of years and wiped out by the WG
- King goes into hybrid and thinks :" Kaido sama were gonna create a world of violence and wipe out those government dogs...! "

No break next week
Source: my butt
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