its not a throwaway line persay, it just doesnt mean what you think. we got it explained and it went over your idiotic heads
kaido has a connection to judge, he made the linagefactor which was used to experiment on kaido by vegapunk. which means in all likelyhood judge was apart of the kaido experiments.
of fucking course kaiods top commanders know judges name well. you hink king doesn't also know about judge? knowing judge is as obvious as knowing about vegapunk for them. it doesn't mean sanji fights queen. by this point you should know that oda throws curveballs constantly. this line is such a obvious oda redherring. He never makes shit this obvious.

of fucking course kaiods top commanders know judges name well. you hink king doesn't also know about judge? knowing judge is as obvious as knowing about vegapunk for them. it doesn't mean sanji fights queen. by this point you should know that oda throws curveballs constantly. this line is such a obvious oda redherring. He never makes shit this obvious.
Even if queen has some past with judge... what the fuck does it matter? you expecting a flashback? sanji and queen to bond over hating germa?
You really are desperate for King VS Sanji that you use mental gymnastics to tell me it's not a throwaway line but then argue it's a throwaway line.
King + Kaido's strongest + Swordsmanship = Kaido's strongest swordsman
King is definitely going to Zoro.