
I will never forgive Oda
I am gonna be pissed if it is more silhouette.

Don't see him much these days. You Mods are slacking off.
That’s a sly way of saying you’re tired of seeing me. :sus:
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I want Lady Toki to be strong. She herself should be a powerful fighter honestly.
I’d love it but this is Oda.
Say what! The Pirate Empress will get her ass kicked by a glorified cabin boy? :gokulaugh:
People who think Oda just happened to pick Boa and coby (the two biggest Luffy fans outside of bartolommeo) to meet and think they are actually gonna fight are just ridiculous
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Soon to be marine admiral coby
Koby isn't "Soon" to be anything... The story is ending in five years... As if Koby can jump from being around Smoker level or weaker to Admiral in five years