[FNZ] Super Role Madness [Season 2] Round 5 - Joker Appears In Worstgen

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Are you sure saying that out loud is a good idea?
Or are you like a vamp hunter, only kill cults?
Don't think they can do anything to me directly, I'm really stacked up against them

And for other scums, knowing this shouldn't really increase their priority to go after me since Cult is a pain for everyone.

There‘s no way she‘s Town, then.
Yup Light evidence on her and I came in and backed him up. My intuition is normally right, I was choosing between queen and melotonin and both turned out to be sus.
Don't think they can do anything to me directly, I'm really stacked up against them

And for other scums, knowing this shouldn't really increase their priority to go after me since Cult is a pain for everyone.
Maybe you just saying this cause you ain't town :kayneshrug:


Argonauts, roll out!
tpein is it the exact sae abilities that you have
the name ?
Six paths of Pein.

Each Body has their own ability.
Pein is able to

The Deva Path (天道, Tendō) grants the user the ability to manipulate attractive and repulsive forces.

The Asura Path (修羅道, Shuradō) grants the user the ability to augment their own body to Fire role blocking Missiles/Lasers

The Human Path (人間道, Ningendō) grants a Rinnegan user the ability to read the mind of any target and yanking the soul out of the body - death

The Animal Path (畜生道, Chikushōdō) grants a Rinnegan user the ability of summoning various animals and creatures to aid it in battle.
With giant chameleon you can hide from the enemy.

The Preta Path (餓鬼道, Gakidō) grants the user the ability to absorb chakra and create force fields. Defense.

The Naraka Path (地獄道, Jigokudō) grants the user two main abilities: interrogation and restoration. Ask a question, if they lie they die.

The Outer Path (外道, Gedō) is an ability that gives Pein the power to control life and death. Revive a Player
??? activated Rinnegan

??? activated Animal Path on ??? ??? and ???

??? activated Deva Path - Repel

??? activated Deva Path - Attract on ??? and ???

??? activated Nakara Path

??? activated Preta Path

??? activated Deva Path - Chibaku Tensei on ???
I think this should be proof enough


Certified Memelord
Did you actually read what I was saying to Light, or did you just see post and think "this must mean Ratchet is against what Light is arguing for"? I'm going to act in good faith, and assume you didn't, so allow me to explain carefully. I argued with Light about him claiming first, before Queen. I argued about this with him, because an Investigator should never, ever claim before the person they investigated. What that means Usopp, is that my issue had nothing to do with Queen, Queen wasn't even mentioned, it was wholly down to procedure that was not followed. Light argued that, in this specific case, it was fine not to follow it, because of what he had against Queen. Are we still following along? I then pointed out that, just because the act of not following the procedure may not have as many glaringly obvious false positives as it usually would, does not mean you should stop following it, because it sets a bad example for players who otherwise wouldn't know what to do.

Assuming you're still with me, can you tell me then where exactly I soft-defended Queen? I can get quotes if you like. For it to be a soft-defence, my argument would have to attempt to undermine what Light was proposing. That clearly was not the case here. You can't just use words you don't know because you think they sound good. I can't be trying to discredit Light, if I don't make any attempt to actually discredit Light.

This is the second time in quick succession you've attatched a term errenously, presumably because you feel it gives your accusation more value. It isn't defensive to question arguments that are thrown your way, particularly when they're as poorly-conceived as yours seem to be. It isn't defensive to question the credibility of my interlocutors when their line of reasoning strikes me as nonsensical. It's kind of how the game is played. What would you rather have me do, ignore it? As Town, my job is to analyse arguments that are put forth, to see if there is scum motivation in them or if they are misguiding. If I were to ignore arguments that struck me as dumb, I'd be failing in that role. The better question is, why are you so quick to attempt to attatch a scum-tell to my behaviour? You are not infallible. If you came into this expecting to be able to preach whatever you like and have no one question it in turn, then I'm sorry to say, but you're mistaken about the role town takes in this game.
yea i read everything and find it pretty unecessary what u said to light tbh

he rushed the claim yea, but i dont think it was bad either. he made it pretty clear to avoid any confusion and could help us easily eliminate one of the cult leaders

like ur throwing blocks of texts saying obvious unecessary stuff when none asked for it feels like ur insecure about ur position and need to explain stuff none wants

i could sit here and skim through all ur posts and hardly find value off them. u keep either reiterating stuff or educating people on how to play mafia but not actually have proper proactive content regarding the events in the game

ur reaction came off as pretty defensive and u had to throw another block of text to even further explain it by enlightening me on my accusation. i will throw accusations (weak or strong), troll, and/or even fake results for reaction purposes and i cant say i like ur reply tbh

i would of much liked it if u just said no i didnt defend queen, i was just educating light (which was hella unecessary rn)

i can see ur vote placed on queen but u still remain one of the players i suspect of being culted since u had a good town read on you and we dont know if queen can pass her cult leader to one of her members after she dies or not
Yup Light evidence on her and I came in and backed him up. My intuition is normally right, I was choosing between queen and melotonin and both turned out to be sus.

Maybe you just saying this cause you ain't town :kayneshrug:
She was sus since that PR bullshit from last day phase.

In hindsight you guys can be glad now that I didn‘t gift Queen lmfao.


Certified Memelord
here is what im thinking tho

cant we just keep queen roleblocked and actually yeet dangerous scum like fuji?

maybe annoying one like melon with the PRs

since we know queen is CL we can keep her roleblocked. i wonder if shes immune to them tho

we have too many ppl to get rid off and not enough lynches/vig shots
here is what im thinking tho

cant we just keep queen roleblocked and actually yeet dangerous scum like fuji?

maybe annoying one like melon with the PRs

since we know queen is CL we can keep her roleblocked. i wonder if shes immune to them tho

we have too many ppl to get rid off and not enough lynches/vig shots
you saw how the fuji shit went down last dp
are you fr?
Repeating Usopp's asinine claims isn't going to make them any more true.
Why are do they keep saying you are defending queen did I miss something? I got converted once before and based on my experience, I still got my town role so I did everything to make sure town didn't lynch my cult leader lmao. You are doing the opposite I am legit confused about ekko's argument ahh well. :kayneshrug:
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