What’s the spoiler provider hiding from us?

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I back you up. I don't say for whole wano but Onigaishima raid overall is worst so far with bits and pieces of interesting events.

Tenrou Island arc is legit on different level than this circus Wano arc.

Good old days man... Compared to Tenrou Island, Wano arc is disaster.
Expectation: a crew filled with wild beasts.

Reality: a crew filled with trash looking gifters / pleasures etc. Led by a Captain taking hostages and bullshitted "wanna make a biggest war ever!!" yet shitted his pants when Big Mom came to Wano, YC1 staying in background, YC2 stalled by Chopper, YC3 acting as punching bag.


Plot armor

didnt we see Page one FAIL TO overpower Nami a few chapters ago here

Page one has Nami’s climatact in his hand and the next panel she managed to somehow get it free... Because plot armor
Yes, but it's much easier to accept Page One fucking up with Nami, than Queen (who is supposed to be Kaido's second top man) dealing with Choppper of all people.
We have no idea how strong monster point chopper is .
While i don't think he will beat queen saying he can't do this or that make no sense .
We don't know since we never see him go all out or even have a hard fight .
And so chopper isnt actually going to do anything to queen

This entire thing is to introduce that Chopper has an improved Rumble ball... Not for Chopper to actually win
chopper lasting as much as he did... Plus the plot of Queen experimenting on his subbordinates... and Oda building all that tension and hate between Chopper and Queen... and lastly facing each other now means only that just like Nami and Usopp were overwhelmed by Ulti/P1 then will win later... same will be with Chopper and Queen...
Chopper WILL beat Queen... I expect him to lose this round anyway, but will win at the last round of this arc
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