Seems like the opening song is still the same, but they changed the visual part of the opening.
Damnit Toei!

Although hopefully we might get some epic new music like the beginning of Wano to signify the raid actually starting and thus happening!
With Apoo and Queen's party, we should get some awesome music there too hopefully! Expecting something badass like Katakuri's theme for when Kaido fights too!
Hopefully we get something like this for when Queen and Apoo are partying!:

Berserk Mode Chopper would be good
I was really hoping to see Monster Chopper featuring the Ice Oni Virus thing so we could see a throwback to Enies Lobby Monster Chopper moment but even more feral and brutal? It would have been so perfect for this arc with the Thriller Bark horror influences and Enies Lobby parallels too!
A real tragic moment of Chopper once again going berserk as a last resort maybe or just happening out of his own control due to the circumstances and Queen laughing sadistically as Ice Oni Monster Chopper causes CHAOS like if Big Mom were rampaging!
Oh god imagine if that happened along with Big Mom going on hunger rampage or a rampage in general? Jeez....

Still waiting for Big Mom to get one of hunger pangs again and go on another hunger based rampage too...