Current Events Wano has WAY too many characters

Does Wano have too many characters?

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Lion of Olympus

The Prince of Power
Wano has way too many characters and it’s obvious Oda is having trouble balancing everything.

The scabbards, calamities, Straw Hats, Marco, Yonko, Big Mom Pirates, Gifters, Numbers, Flying Six and the rest that I’m forgetting lol.

Even with this many people Oda is still introducing more useless characters such as Yamato.

We have barely focused on any of the Straw Hats’ fights because we have way too much focus on other characters like the scabbards lol.

ItIt’s getting ridiculous, I’m praying the grand fleet doesn’t show up or else this arc will turn into even more of a clusterfuck than it already is lol.
For me it's the Big Mom Pirates. I cannot for the life of me figure out why Oda shoehorned her and her crew into this arc. We're told that she "Wants revenge against Strawhat" for what happened, but he easily could have saved her for a future arc such as Elbaf. So far her presence has solely been used as a plot device for getting Luffy out of prison and to befriend Tama. Her presence just adds more bloat to this crowded as hell arc, and damages her reputation in the process. The only thing that makes sense is that Oda wants to wrap up One Piece sooner rather than later, and wants to take out both Yonko in one arc.
Wano has way too many characters and it’s obvious Oda is having trouble balancing everything.

The scabbards, calamities, Straw Hats, Marco, Yonko, Big Mom Pirates, Gifters, Numbers, Flying Six and the rest that I’m forgetting lol.

Even with this many people Oda is still introducing more useless characters such as Yamato.

We have barely focused on any of the Straw Hats’ fights because we have way too much focus on other characters like the scabbards lol.

ItIt’s getting ridiculous, I’m praying the grand fleet doesn’t show up or else this arc will turn into even more of a clusterfuck than it already is lol.
Still prefer the current situation than what happened in Dressrosa

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
One Piece has too many characters* :kayneshrug:

As I’ve said before, I would like to know if Oda originally had something in mind for all the random Wano citizens/samurai that he kept highlighting…there are several faces he saw fit to draw a few times without ever giving them names or agency, and it’s WAY too late in the arc for them to make any kind of impact, so what the fuck was the point of it all?


A man, my son 🌊
- Kaido
- BM
- Yamato
- Marco
- The Calamities
- The Flying Six
- Too many gifters to count, most of which had some interaction pre-raid like in Udon / are now on alliance side
- THE NUMBERS (seriously what happened to them?)
- Other Beast pirates like Bao Huang.
- Eight members of the worst generation, half of which are either barely showcased or will be offscreened in their fights.
- 9 scabbards
- Oden and every char associated with him that only appeared in the flashback.
- The Yakuza and Hyogoro
- The insurmountable amount of Samurai, some of which have recurring designs but no names.
- Orochi
- Fukurokuju
- Those Oniwanbanshu / mimawagari people (the one’s Hyogoro destroyed in one chapter)
- Perospero
- The two times we saw BMP try to climb the waterfall and well..
- The various named and unnamed Minks alongside Carrot.
- Last chapter showcasing Toko and Hitetsu
- Momo
- Tama
- Hiyori
- Yasuie + the other Daimyo who we probably will never see again.
- Why is Orochi’s grandfather and the daimyo from his generation silhouetted? What's the point in not showing the design?
- The Straw Hats whose appearances and associated fights are...and will be...
- Oh yeah, if we get the Kaido flashback...there will be new characters there as well..

And I’m pretty sure I am still missing more characters not listed. How is Oda going to wrap this arc up in the next year or so?

Yes, it’s the curse of the big post-skip One Piece arcs from which the majority of their problems fall. I prefer the Wano cast to the Dressrosa and WCI cast, but it could still use some judicious pruning, starting from previous arcs

-Saobody. Nine new upcoming pirates? Not sure that was needed. Kid, Law, Bonney, Drake. They’ve all got a role to play. Capone, Oda fitted in much better. Apoo and Hawkins, nope, Urouge, we’ll see, Killer, I’m 50/50 on

-Zou. Should only have been one king. In the long run, the feud between Inu and Neko accomplished nothing. Nor did Inu do anything in the first two Acts of Wano. One king, sent to get Marco, comes back in Act Three, accomplishes just as much

-Tenguyama, Tama, Yasu, Toko. Do we need these to be separate characters? Could they not combine into one father adopted daughter pair, that have something to do with Luffy and Zoro? Tbf, one of the wiser things Oda has done has put Toko and Tengu out if the Onigashima plot entitely, because they aren’t neccesary.

-The Scabbards and Hyo. Is Kiku really neccessary? Could Ashura and Hyogoro not be combined in some way, as “broken“ criminals at the start of the arc? Kawamatsu, who is in jail just like Hyogoro? Kawamatsu and Denjiro, both of whom share the role as Hiyori’s protector?

The lesser characters like the Yakuza bosses and the Mink musketeers not doing much I don’t mind… but there are a lot of them. We’ve always had Chaka’s, Wyper’s four friends, the shipwrights, the Franky Family, the Risky Brothers, who get designs and a couple of scenes but don’t do all that much. Maybe cut the number down a bit, but eh.

Then there’s the Big One, Big Mom and her crew. 100% a last minute addition to the arc to try and cut down the length of the series. In fact, I’m pretty sure that’s a leftover from WCI, where the Katakuri fight was stuck in at the Tea Party. I am certain the original plan was for the full crew to be the villains on Elbaf. Instead it’s been stretched out over three arcs so the Elbaf arc can be done quicker. Whether that actually saves any time…

And the best thing that Oda did there was just keep the rest of them at the bottom of that waterfall, cause they aren’t going to have a role. Just forget about them. Big Mom’s use has been patchy at best, but Perospero has been fine.


Zoro Worshipper
Yes too many subcharacters and subplots I would add.

I hope the story will be more fluid from the next arc in on. But if Elbaf happens I'm afraid we will be kinda back at it and The Final War will feature just so many people... hopefully will focus much more on the battles than the introductions.
It would have been better if there was only 1-4 bad ass, admiral level Samurai if it is to keep up with Wano hype and develop some depth in their personality than introducing some useless fodder like the Yakuza boss, Orochi's ninja/samurai, hence it would even be better if there was only like 2-3 very powerful Scabbards and give enough screentime and deep story for them than split it to 9. But that's just my opinion.
Well, I don't really count people like the Yakuza bosses, the Mimawarigumi or the Oniwabanshu besides Fukurokuju as characters, because they didn't really get much focus - they just exist to make this feel like more of a chaotic war. If you scratch those that are more irrelevant than not, then no, there's not too many.

I honestly like most of the characters that are relevant.