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Nike Air does make me think about Sanji. But he went out of his way to get a Nike Air logo that cuts up the A, becacuse most Nike Air logos is just the normal Nike one with an Air bellow it, so it could mean a slash for Zoro vs King, OR MAYBE a Nike Air Kick Slash, wich means Rankyaku, so maybe we could see Who's Who using Rankyaku, or even more crazy would be seeing Sanji use Rankyaku.

Formerly Seth

Nike Air does make me think about Sanji. But he went out of his way to get a Nike Air logo that cuts up the A, becacuse most Nike Air logos is just the normal Nike one with an Air bellow it, so it could mean a slash for Zoro vs King, OR MAYBE a Nike Air Kick Slash, wich means Rankyaku, so maybe we could see Who's Who using Rankyaku, or even more crazy would be seeing Sanji use Rankyaku.
Queen using skywalk.
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