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Zoro Worshipper
This is a Yonko's crew btw. The other Yonko's crew cannot even climb a waterfall yet a rookie pirate's crew were able to. They couldn't even stop a huge flying target and another flying target later too.

I swear pre TS villain crews felt more competent.

Also Sun God? That sounds interesting. Amaterasu reference potentially if Oda is going with Japanese mythology for that? Although I guess it would be "goddess" ofc. I thought of Mayans immediately though for some reason. I think because of those drawings or w/e Enel found on the moon?

Nami changed her attitude on Zeus fast too.

For a moment I thought about Fisher Tiger

Gorosei Informer

lmao, more prophecy shit with Sun God and even more Gum Gum Fruit Special Shit.

Welcome to the Jesus Pirate Show.
I've been joking about it for a few years, it's not so funny now. Tried to warn people that OP is gonna head in this direction like Naruto did and MHA is doing as well.

Watch everything that has happened in OP so far be pre-determined, there is "no free will." Just like Marvel has done with a certain something recently...
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