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Gorosei Informer

People on WG will most likely come up with better theories about King than Oda himself at this point :josad:
I wish this wasn't so true too. Imagine if the whole King's true appearance and race reveal ends up being some kind of gag and or just somehow overhyped too? I'm hoping he might finally introduce a reptilian equivalent of the minks and a reptilian race into OP finally or a fallen angel or demon type race.

Nika is an "imaginery" god, no existing person. Someone the folks of Skypia are believing in.

So King, someone from a skypian race, is believing in it and told the story of this god to the prisoners of Impel Down, while he was a guard in Impel down.
He was there as a kind of "double agent", without his clothing and armor in Kaidos crew and at the same time in Impel down recruiting prisoners to Kaidos crew. He also freed Kaido when Kaido was imprisoned again several times. Thats why they said nobody ever before was able to run from Impel Down, cause King opened the doors for Kaido.
King is still believing in Nika, his whole lifegoal is based on Nika. So he wants to help Kaido become the strongest and mightiest creature in the world, to give him the biggest imaginable victory (becoming pirate king and even further), to finaly sacrifice Kaido to Nika (which goes well with Kaidos deathwish).

With that King hopes to bring wealth and strenght to Skypia, to recreate this proud and strong race/society.
Nice theory bro

Now we got another ship
King X Who's Who

Gonna make a theory-thread about that after the chapter is released.
So your theory says that King is the one who told the Nika story for WsW right?
I'd love that, but 1 thing that might hinder this theory: WsW showed complete disrepect for the one man who brought hope for him 12 years ago at the start of the arc.
Although this is not the first time Oda is inconsistent with WsW's character a.k.a calling Luffy a "small fry" while he supposedly holds a gigantic grudge against him.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
I don’t know if it’s just because I’m stoned (although it’s almost certainly that), but I guess I’m coming around to the Sun God thing…if it’s just some random tale Oda’s firing off to be referenced as part of a greater narrative touchstone in the near future, then fine, whatever, but if he can effectively weave it into the story as more than another notch in Luffy’s “Chosen One Allegory” belt - like, if someone else is the Sun God, or at least not Joy Boy - then that’ll be some shit he hasn’t pulled since, what, Skypiea? :neesama::smoothy:

Gorosei Informer

Nika is an "imaginery" god, no existing person. Someone the folks of Skypia are believing in.

So King, someone from a skypian race, is believing in it and told the story of this god to the prisoners of Impel Down, while he was a guard in Impel down.
He was there as a kind of "double agent", without his clothing and armor in Kaidos crew and at the same time in Impel down recruiting prisoners to Kaidos crew. He also freed Kaido when Kaido was imprisoned again several times. Thats why they said nobody ever before was able to run from Impel Down, cause King opened the doors for Kaido.
King is still believing in Nika, his whole lifegoal is based on Nika. So he wants to help Kaido become the strongest and mightiest creature in the world, to give him the biggest imaginable victory (becoming pirate king and even further), to finaly sacrifice Kaido to Nika (which goes well with Kaidos deathwish).

With that King hopes to bring wealth and strenght to Skypia, to recreate this proud and strong race/society.
Holy fuck, this is BRILLIANT! I would love this! Gonna share this to my friends and discord servers with credit to you ofc!


It would be ironic if Oda was going to do this and saw this and decided to change the story upon seeing someone predict it LOL!



Heavy Metal
So your theory says that King is the one who told the Nika story for WsW right?
I'd love that, but 1 thing that might hinder this theory: WsW showed complete disrepect for the one man who brought hope for him 12 years ago at the start of the arc.
Although this is not the first time Oda is inconsistent with WsW's character a.k.a calling Luffy a "small fry" while he supposedly holds a gigantic grudge against him.
WsW doesnt even need to know it was King back then. Remember that King was there as "double agent", you could say undercover. Maybe thats why Wsw is now in Kaidos Crew, he was looking for the man back then.
I don’t know if it’s just because I’m stoned (although it’s almost certainly that), but I guess I’m coming around to the Sun God thing…if it’s just some random tale Oda’s firing off to be referenced as part of a greater narrative touchstone in the near future, then fine, whatever, but if he can effectively weave it into the story as more than another notch in Luffy’s “Chosen One Allegory” belt - like, if someone else is the Sun God, or at least not Joy Boy - then that’ll be some shit he hasn’t pulled since, what, Skypiea? :neesama::smoothy:
What if he's from a Sky Island.


Heavy Metal
Holy fuck, this is BRILLIANT! I would love this! Gonna share this to my friends and discord servers with credit to you ofc!


It would be ironic if Oda was going to do this and saw this and decided to change the story upon seeing someone predict it LOL!

I always like when people enjoy my theories. So share it to everyone who enjoys that stuff. Thanks :cheers:

Gorosei Informer

Isn't Magellan a species
Yeah he seems to be part of it, I'm hoping Oda explains what's going on with him and the others with those horns there. I think we have 2 different horned races now potentially, the people from Impel Down and Kaido and his crew? Maybe King and Magellan are the same race somehow?

Kaido and King are definitely connected to Impel Down, Queen has the potential too or at least Punk Hazard ofc, Queen is already directly linked to Vegapunk naturally so hes covered anyway. I don't know where Kaido got Jack from and when and how, but Jack is part Fishman and imo he seems Norse/Elbaf-like with his hairstyle so there's some interesting potential with him too.


Zoro Worshipper
Yeah he seems to be part of it, I'm hoping Oda explains what's going on with him and the others with those horns there. I think we have 2 different horned races now potentially, the people from Impel Down and Kaido and his crew? Maybe King and Magellan are the same race somehow?

Kaido and King are definitely connected to Impel Down, Queen has the potential too or at least Punk Hazard ofc, Queen is already directly linked to Vegapunk naturally so hes covered anyway. I don't know where Kaido got Jack from and when and how, but Jack is part Fishman and imo he seems Norse/Elbaf-like with his hairstyle so there's some interesting potential with him too.
I'm very enthralled by King's body, it looks hella mysterious.

Wonder if Oda will reveal something to be hiding there.

It was Doffy's eyes once. Now this.

Gorosei Informer

I always like when people enjoy my theories. So share it to everyone who enjoys that stuff. Thanks :cheers:
Gldd to hear and you're welcome! Theories like these are always some of the most entertaining and enriching parts of the OP community too!

On another note, with this mention of Skypeia, sky islands and the sky races, the Sun god and so on, isn't this the perfect way for Urouge to be directly involved in the lore too? I was wondering how he was gonna fit into the lore of OP itself, he does seem to be Birkan I believe too? He definitely has some kind of personal connection to Enel and Oda had him going to "Raijin Island" of all places for good reason.
Urouge also encountered Kaido and prayed for him before Kaido leapt to his "apparent death", Urouge might have thought he was sacrificing himself?
(I need to go rewatch/reread Urouge and Kaidos encounter now haha, see if there's anything new to learn from it...)

And thus we go full circle to this theory of Kaido being sacrificed to the Sun God potentially? This would really hype up Kaido's character if true too, would make so much sense, for Kaido and King and thus what we know from Skypeia too and such.

Nika is an "imaginery" god, no existing person. Someone the folks of Skypia are believing in.

So King, someone from a skypian race, is believing in it and told the story of this god to the prisoners of Impel Down, while he was a guard in Impel down.
He was there as a kind of "double agent", without his clothing and armor in Kaidos crew and at the same time in Impel down recruiting prisoners to Kaidos crew. He also freed Kaido when Kaido was imprisoned again several times. Thats why they said nobody ever before was able to run from Impel Down, cause King opened the doors for Kaido.
King is still believing in Nika, his whole lifegoal is based on Nika. So he wants to help Kaido become the strongest and mightiest creature in the world, to give him the biggest imaginable victory (becoming pirate king and even further), to finaly sacrifice Kaido to Nika (which goes well with Kaidos deathwish).

With that King hopes to bring wealth and strenght to Skypia, to recreate this proud and strong race/society.
Post automatically merged:

I'm very enthralled by King's body, it looks hella mysterious.

Wonder if Oda will reveal something to be hiding there.

It was Doffy's eyes once. Now this.
Yeah absolutely! King has those similar intense mysterious vibes that Katakuri had and I really hope Oda delivers with him! Its probably why he has made King so "irrelevant" up to now, and given Jack and especially Queen the spotlight too. Queen turned out to have major importance so why not King too? Maybe even Jack too in his own way somehow?

On that note too, Oda still hasn't revealed what Judge's eyebrows are like! He had Judge's helmet even get knocked off and damaged by Big Mom but still hid his brow from us! I remember theories of Doflamingo having "an evil eye" too which is why Oda keeps hiding his eyes too?
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