One Piece Chapter 965 Spoilers Discussion

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I since Gaban is proving to be insignificant now Sanji fans again pushing the Ray = Z+S shit? lmao the desperation lvl that's super sad

And i'm also more interested in the potential Ray vs Oden fight since WB vs Roger will just be the typical Oda equal clash shit at most

So Orochi is being manipulated by an outside force... This flashback is getting better and better


What do pirate king level opponents have to do with mere yonkos :pepeke:

And doesn't prove anything when in the marine there exist

- Rear Admiral
- Vice Admiral
- Admiral

We need to see the entire thing to be sure
For now let's say it is a rear admiral or VC

Or PK level doesnt even exist lol
Roger WB were called great pirates
Shiki WB Roger BM shanns BB kaido are all Same tier... the gap between them isnt big


Peerless In History
It is confirmed that WB scars in his chest are made by Roger! before marineford arc shanks visited WB to warn ace and before they clash each other WB quoted shanks " when I saw your face it feels my wounds aching" and that confirmed that WB and Roger fought each other and the winner will take Oden on his side since WB and Roger both admire Oden in that time. I can't wait to see an epic fight between the two beasts captain. The marine that roger holding is an actual admiral that time so, it confirmed also that Garp, Sengoku, Roger, and WB are the same level.
Show some proof it’s an Admiral
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