One Piece Chapter 965 Spoilers Discussion

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What are you saying?so Roger scenes pre ts with Rayleigh and Garp were about poneglyph stuff? they were way better scenes and Roger actually said some interesting stuff lol

in case of WB of course am talking about how he treat strangers and his enemies, in this flashback his personality is so bland and predictable
Roger has one panel here. You expect him to act edgy and mysterious all the time ?
I'm glad he acts like a pirate and not a philosopher.

WB is acting normally as well


You can't win
Roger: Yosh! Let's do it, a 'mutual kill' (T/N: unsure of exact wording). My time is already near! (T/N: last bubble is cut off)
Roger himself knows that if he fought Whitebeard, it'd end in a mutual kill :finally:

Interesting...looks to me like Toki's family was one of the 5 great families on Wano not too long ago ^^. Might still be, but her family name (along with 4 others) was mentioned by that old lady/man? lolz talking to Orochi
Interesting, and Momonosuke share both blood. I see where this is going :kizabat:
I’m glad it’s not funny considering I’m not trying to be funny lol.

There’s no reason Marco would’ve been ranked over Oden in the context other than strength. This is a point nobody has contested, all they’ve done is whine about how they don’t like it lol.

Well I’m sorry if you don’t like logical conclusions, but that doesn’t make them any less valid. Lol
Yes I dont like the claims of "logical conclusions" when there is no logic in them :gonope:
I can only find the scans in Kissmanga. You can check the official by your own means. Or just recheck the anime scene for those, I did check the anime, and they did the same with giving them the title of "Great Pirate". Anyway, those are the panels:

If I'm not mistaken even kaido was called a great pirate as well. I'm just too lazy to check where it was.

The point is, Great Pirate is given to the person who reached the world summit. It's the point where you are one of the big sharks that are directly big candidates for ruling the sea. In that sense, the 4 yonko are the best representative for that title. Naturally, in the past, Roger was a great pirate before being PK. And Whitebeard despite being at the pinnacle of his strength, it was said that the members of Rox 3 years after their captain disappeared, that they started to make a bigger name for themselves. So, in that sense, WB started to make bigger name for himself as a CAPTAIN just recently. Which is why he is YET to be considered a great pirate in the introduction box in that flashback.

I like the details in that because Oda even didn't neglect the detail of Roger being called "Gold Roger" and NOT "Gol D. Roger". He made sure of it, because Roger at that point was still clueless about the void century and D. stuff
Roger himself knows that if he fought Whitebeard, it'd end in a mutual kill
If Oda really decide to show at least a short clash, I hope he can show the different between a yonkou clash and two pirateking lvl characters with Roger and Primebeard in equal clash. I mean we see already Oldbeard split the sky with Shanks, also Big mom and Kaido did the same, I really hope Oda make something to that Roger and Whitebeard clash was the nonplusultra clash of all what we see yet, both Pirates get so much hyped since One piece manga starts and I really hope he can show the gap between this monsters and the legendry pirates, I don´t just want again a Sky split, let fucking shake the whole grandline when Roger and Whitebeard clash each other which even let Oden speechless!!!!
At least this would show again the different between these pirates right @Lifeismeh ??
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