Really every Sanji fan in this meme series I love lol. The Sanji fans appear as a broken, fragmented fan base that seems to be on the verge of extinction. They are few in number but great in ambition, and even though the Zoro fandom has arisen to such prominence, the Sanji fans refuse to give in. Even
@Chrono refused to ally with TAC (at first openly and then secretly), convinced that he doesn’t need the help of other fanbases to defeat
not just the Zoro fandom, but all bitchass fandoms aside from the Sanji fandom, fully sure that he can can use the power of Sanji to do so on his own.
The Sanji fans are all heroes in their own way. Though ofc, this will be elaborated in by EOS. Lol
The Sanji fans are an embodiment of perseverance in the face of overwhelming odds. That shit is admirable.