I envy you. I wish I could have a better experience reading Wano/Onigashima.
I REAAAAAAAAALLY dislike this arc.
The ONLY arc in One Piece that I legit DISLIKE. Kinda nuts, actually. Idk... I just think I don't have the heart for some of Oda's shenanigans anymore. :kayneshrug:
You are same as me, but that because all the hype Wano did get in WCI or even before that
They should stay quiet and we won't have that problem
It's totally not like Akainu was totally okay afterwards without any injuries and continued normally.
i mean he was still up.. and fairly mobile..
but thats akainu.. do you know that he had the best counter to WB's ability...

shockwaves from an earthquake can't travel through magma and they slow down.. so akainu was best for that moment..

these elemental admirals are honestly spme of the best countered to DF's..
I have personally enjoyed this arc and think we still have best part of it ahead of us its still far from perfect though. Elbaf should be Shanks arc i can't help getting excited about it also there should be some monstrous characters hiding in that country we haven't been introduced to can you imagine giants with mythical df abilities :amazing:
Definitely, shanks has some nordic vibes and elbaf giants look like vikings so there's a clear connection between them
I have personally enjoyed this arc and think we still have best part of it ahead of us its still far from perfect though. Elbaf should be Shanks arc i can't help getting excited about it also there should be some monstrous characters hiding in that country we haven't been introduced to can you imagine giants with mythical df abilities :amazing:
Bro Wano has been hyped since Thriller Bark and this is the pay off, Elbaf is gonna be shit too