Yea agree, we all know she will lose eventually plot wise..
It just she stealing the spotlight facing the current strongest creature in one piece, alone & more than 1 chapters..
While even respected figure like jinbe, fan favourite sanji, loyal and current wano plot narrator kinemon & scabbard, or the most senior yc marco didn't have that stalling kaido spotlight.. :(
Are we not reading the same story?
-Sanji has been occupied this entire time and went out of his way to go somewhere else instead of the rooftop.
-Jinbe got preoccupied with Who’s who while escorting Luffy.
-Marco sent Zoro to the rooftop while helping Chopper and people on the bottom floor as support and fought Queen, King (both at once), and Big Mom.
-The Scabbards were the fight Kaido and Kin’emon died stalling him.
Its been setup since Yamatos introduction that she would fight Kaido and was trying to get to Kaido for 20 solid chapters with multiple interruptions.