On why i didn't discuss my own read, because i saw most of u guy read here base on how the player behaviour here n how the player behaviour at another mafia game, meta (that's what u call right?).. obviously, i don't know how the player here play mafia at another mafia game..
For "someone leaked Udell n Juliet talk", that's time i believe was during captain meeting N2.. after my last post during that's captain night here,
30 minutes after my post i fall asleep (my place already midnight) while waiting for BB member to reply about Rhea case, until dawn phase.. During that's time, Juliet n Udell discussing about rhea case as well as typo.. n then i woke up when its dawn phase,, i did told BB member thats i fall asleep, thats mean I can't told u guys during captain meeting of what they opinion on rhea.. Also, i submit my action during dawn phase but its didn't happen because we can't submit action during thats phase...n IF I'm scum, i leaked thats information to other scum during dawn phase, they still can't submit action.. but the scum team did submit n udell was killed.. So am i still scum?