Questions & Mysteries If Laser Beam isn't effective, what is Queen D. Funk possible next move/attack?

Queen D. Funk next possible attack?

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Makes sense that a barrage of laser beams are child's play to Sanji. Not only is his CoO pretty damn good, he's also rapid as fck so Queen ain't hitting him with sumin like that. Also keep in mind that Sanji was able to dodge an attack from Katakuri (an FS user) from his blindside with his guard down. If Queen wants to deal damage to Sanji, he's gonna have to first corner him somehow. One way to do that will be to use attacks with a greater area of effect to put folks in the vicinity in danger to force Sanji to defend those around him and limit him to fight in close range. That would increase the probability of Queen hitting Sanji with one of his hidden weapons. It'd be even better if Queen use one of his plagues for the large AoE attack I described earlier kinda like how Babanuki did on Udon to force Sanji to take the attack directly kinda like Luffy had to. If he's able to hit Sanji with one of his plagues then, he'd have cornered him.

If Queen's Laser Beam barrage wasn't effective for Sanji, so what will be Queen's next move/attack?

@RayanOO @DarkWitch @Zoro D Goat @Doggo @Roronoa-sama @playa4321 etc
I’m hoping for “Thin popular Queen form” which Queen hinted at it during his singing…

If he can do some Semi kikan type of shit and transform into an agile beast, that will be so cool

he has the design to actually look cooler than king if he got thinner, truly… the hair and mustatche and everything


Zoro Worshipper
Sanji clowning yonko commanders for breakfast
Heh wasn't King the one who put him down by hurling him against the ground with Sanji who seemingly didn't even manage to get up rapidly at the same rate? If not makes sense considering how by Sanji's own admission Page One hurling against some building blocks had him experience some pain.


The Rogue Prince
i personally would like it if queen's mech arm is made out of wapometal. initially there were some theories going around that it was similar to Z's battle smasher but instead of seastone it had wapometal and queen was part of the team that helped Z with his arm.

but oda is probably going to give him some okama kenpo moves for shits and giggles