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Honestly, I was thinking about it and I don't like how we're being pushed from all sides.

Maybe TAC is Town and maybe 1 of Midnight, Juliet and Dest is scum. Maybe TAC is scum and trying to fool us here given scums are close to winning.

For me, there are just too many maybes.

And we have yet to find the Light role.

If Missy is fine and because Dest is clearly Rayan, Midnight leaves Juliet out of the three whose claim is the most iffy and unconfirmed.

Juliet/TAC/ of them is Light.
I'll be logging out now and tag me if you have anything you want to ask me.
What were you up to the previous night. What happened to your reads on discord?
Nat (maybe)
Zara (maybe)

well im all caught up and obviously tac thinks he has something mechanical on me. i did not use any actions last night and am basically vanilla at this point. i guess i might as well just share everything and let you guys decide. but i will say last night phase talking to flower all she told me was that tac was a snake and couldnt be trusted so this is kind of frustrating for me to see him come out and give us zero information on why he thinks im wolf.

anyway i am rayan. i revealed this in my chat fairly early on and no one had any problems with it. i have zero clue on flavor with you guys but since golden dawn didnt react i thought rayan was a fine guy. i have two passives. one i wont reveal because it actually works against wolf and revealing it would make it useless. my second passive is that if i receive thirty three percent of the votes in any given day phase i am forced to move locations.

as for my actives i have three and theyre not that great except one probably because my one passive is fairly decent. the first active i have has had some chatter in the thread. i had a three shot cop invest to give to anyone however i couldnt give it to the same team consecutively. the first one i handed out to fuji because i trusted my captain and his play. he investigated nat and it came back town. so the next invest i handed to nat because she was cleared and she investigated reborn and it came back town. the last invest i gave back to fuji and i have no idea what he did with it. my second passive is that i can give messages to people which i sent to fuji and nat explaining my ability. the third ability is basically i make everyone give rayan five compliments and if they dont i can steal their magical items and yul if they have some.

if tac thinks i did something perhaps he saw me give fuji my invest?
This is how you cooperate. So town can come up with the best lynch. Lanji should take notes. TAC and Lanji were both on your wagon. If you are town and die then TAC is next.
Good luck surviving this mate.
Honestly, I was thinking about it and I don't like how we're being pushed from all sides.

Maybe TAC is Town and maybe 1 of Midnight, Juliet and Dest is scum. Maybe TAC is scum and trying to fool us here given scums are close to winning.

For me, there are just too many maybes.

And we have yet to find the Light role.

If Missy is fine and because Dest is clearly Rayan, Midnight leaves Juliet out of the three whose claim is the most iffy and unconfirmed.

Juliet/TAC/ of them is Light.
TAC was scum reading reborn and town read Zem when she got in. So lynch Zem or Juliet. I suggest the former especially if you think one is Light because Juliet already claimed and I think you can already guess that it isn't Light :pepecafe:


What could have been...
The reason why I voted Mango because he is dead and I caught you visiting him last night. Why is someone who I thought was town visiting a dead scum player? What can a town role do with a dead scum player? A role interacting with the dead means you can only be scum. You forgot you were in my scum reads early game? Think I wouldn't keep my eye on you? I obviously avoided giving you info you were clearly fishing for.

Already told yall I solved this game long ago. Scum hunter Udell at it again and I even reading this thread. GET WRECK SCUM.

Vote Lynch Lanji

I hope you can levitate because people usually die when they are hang. gg scum :hapnoel:

If you think imma let you lynch Juliet off of Mango's horse shit you got another thing coming. NOBODY IS LYNCHING JULIET. I done told yall that she is town. If you guys want to even think about touching Juliet then Lynch TAC's ass first.

@Natalija @Flower @The Destoryer @Hayumi @Udell @T-Pein™ @Zara @Juliet @Zem @Lindltaylor @Missy @Van @Melontonin @Midnight Delight @Ekkologix @Cray Cray @Kiwipom @Dragomir
you think lanji absorbed mango or sm sht lol


What could have been...
yes inability to listen.

take your arguments to tac on juliet
he came out with the info not me
nah am not going to explain anything to anyone
letting everyone know now not just udell
@Flower shouldnt explain either
you find out with a flip why i target dead roles . should be a good lesson for town leader udell.

its pretty anti town to try and threaten us by saying "lynch me to find out!" nonesense

not buying it. u r just willing to lose a town role for free cuz u dont wanna say what u did to a dead scum role. sounds fake threat.


What could have been...
also if u guys r town, there is a big chance scum already know somethinf about ur abilities, cuz thats generally how mafia are in bigger games. they probably have rolecopped u guys at some point

so if mafia already know ur stuff, u might as well share it with town who does not know

ofcourse assuming u arent mafia that is..
also if u guys r town, there is a big chance scum already know somethinf about ur abilities, cuz thats generally how mafia are in bigger games. they probably have rolecopped u guys at some point

so if mafia already know ur stuff, u might as well share it with town who does not know

ofcourse assuming u arent mafia that is..
I’m not sure how much of a problem this is. I would raise an eyebrow if Mango was revived or if he visited someone to shoot him, but visiting a dead role that didn’t come back is just whatever

also if u guys r town, there is a big chance scum already know somethinf about ur abilities, cuz thats generally how mafia are in bigger games. they probably have rolecopped u guys at some point

so if mafia already know ur stuff, u might as well share it with town who does not know

ofcourse assuming u arent mafia that is..
I disagree. Those usually have some sort of limit or require mafia to meet certain conditions. I doubt they know everyone abilities. Maybe the know the full role of 1 or 2 players beside me and you. They are also more likely to outplay town if they know what we can do.
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