You are the clown indeed. You think Sanji is on par with guys who went to the roof which is at least delusional not to insult you.
Come back when he does something spectacular and get some good feats then we can talk. Not interested in your virgin wank with no panels/feats to back it up man.
No. He never faced the facts. All he see is his Sanji virgin wank.
Killer, Kidd and Law were on roof too.
Does it imply that Killer > Sanji?
Law and Kidd cant be compared as they are captains.
Even if Sanji is not comparable to Zoro now, but it is wrong to say that Rooftop5 are Top Tiers.
Luffy and Zoro got powerups; thus, they performed better.
Kidd, Killer and Law didnt get any new power ups, that's why Luffy and Zoro outshined them.
It was just Oda's decision to do this, in other words he set Luffy and Zoro apart from rest of the SNs. Sanji is not at fault here. He is still giving his best (completely different character from Zoro).