[FNZ] Role Madness [Season 2] Round 10 - Antagonists Vs Protagonists

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I am reading. But almost all the rest of us read the Beta thing right. So how can you say “how could I have predicted that”?

Because everyone else did predict it, so I don’t think it’s an unreasonable expectation.
What? When did people think Beta was bussing his own mate in D2 and D3? No one ever said "hey guys, Beta bussed TAC in D2 with his JUICY info and then doubled down in D3" until after TAC threw him under the bus.


Zoro Worshipper
Destroya is Mafia, no doubt about him.

But is he part of my team?

How many Antagonists do you guys expect?
Open your mind this game is not easy even for the expert.

A cloudy storm is descending
Mafia clans colliding
Look at how Flower is coming after me. Was TAC not 'outed' in your mind? When TAC ratted on Beta, was Beta not 'outed' in your mind? Yet I still wouldn't vote TAC and I still brought up the idea of Nat in D4 as a more informative lynch than Beta considering I thought he'd get Vigged. Look at all this hassle I've caused myself if I'm Wolf. Why would I want that?
Who do you think is the last remaining scums.
But TAC was just genuine af in his post and later on I got Beta to confess.

You also said "Fuck this phase." after TAC threw like you were annoyed with how things unfolded.
You did not get Beta to confess, stop that. You were the last person her talked to before he finally said that he was giving up and confessing. All you said to him was 'you don't deserve to be banned' and you think that convinced him to confess? Stop trying to hog the glory. And what if you did get him to confess? He was already being lynched here. What credit are you hoping to claim with this?

That's angle-shooting 100 and you know it. I literally argued with Beta, you, and Fuji in D3, only for me to be WRONG about TAC. And with TAC game throwing like he did, yeah, it wasn't the greatest phase for me. But fuck you guys and your double narratives. I got Fuji telling me I'm purposely trying too hard to survive TAC and Beta's implosion but then I work THAT hard all to let it slip with a 'fuck this game' as Wolf? Come on.
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