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Arbiter of Truth
So if someone says youre not town they are framing you?

I dont understand what you mean here.
Well he said it with utmost confidence that I'm not town, obviously he says that because he knows that if anyone scanned me I would show up as suspicious-- because he framed me.

Then he openly claimed he did too.

he's just playing 10D chess with y'all. You can't even see the pieces he's playing because we have no way of perceiving them.


Arbiter of Truth
My master plan is working, Juliet, they aren't suspecting a thing. I'm killing the thread and I'm tunneling you so hard they don't even realize.

You're a genius to make this plan!

I saw Lord Melkor vote Mango and I'm assuming he is also scum reading Mango and I'm also scum reading Mango. Is anyone else scum reading Mango or is it just us two? Mango suspecting me as a godfather was so weak and on page 1 it says mediums gets investigated as medium, janitor, retributionist, necromancer, or trapper. It also looked like Mango said he was blackmailed in the evening phase and players can't get blackmailed in the evening phase and what Mango said is a lie.
And since when did scum reading you become the easiest thing on the planet? In most of
my games I played with you, you get town read alot and right now this doesn't look like your town play.
These quotes above shows that Mango is scum.

Vote Lynch Mango Senpai
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