Sanji is a wild card whatever he does is certainly unpredictable compared to the linear course oda takes with zoro.. you could make a plathera of possibilities of what sanji may do and oda still may take an obscure route.. Well yea there are tropes.
I was some of those who was cheering for Queen vs Sanji as well and am supporting Zoro heading to the roof..
If you ask me about having seen a proper "what would sanji do next" thread from a sanji fan.. I clearly haven't.. And most of what sanji fans say is power-scaling and obsecure possibilities mostly not related to the main time line and debating misconceptions and misinterpretations according to them...
ON the other hand even i get called a sanjitard for speaking my mind using what little ik getting segregated due to opinions and past squabbles here. Chrono himself had spectacular threads regarding sanji nas a character and he'd still receive hate from it rather than the due credit he deserved.
Hate begets hate... Its true for our fandoms as well.
Well yeah you don't see anywhere near as much "What'd Sanji do next" threads compared to Zoro because Sanji, unlike Zoro, does not have 3 years worth of portrayal and parallels within first and second acts of Wano.
Zoro is being mentioned this much because this is the first time a Strawhat other than Luffy has been built-up to have such dynamic role.
If you want a better comparison; people speculated a lot about what'd Sanji do next in WCI.
Idk what threads Chrono had but I saw him run around trolling about bent beak or something often lol. But yeah, toxicity makes toxicity, but kinda hilarious to see some of the fans shittalking Zoro fans as if they're always "delusional"- when they've been the only ones who got stuff right regarding Zoro throughout the arc so far.
Trolling starts becoming embarrassing when these people are objectively wrong lol