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Arbiter of Truth
When it comes to Mango vs Zara, I lean Town on Zara more. First twenty four hours of Mango was him being drunk, so I don't really put that into my thought process for his read. But sober Mango hasn't really impressed me and he's been a bit erratic, but is that scum behavior? So for me, I'd give Mango a slight Town lean because I don't think there's a lot of Wolf motive in his play, but his overall play hasn't really been great either.
You vote and push people based on how winds change in this thread because you don't wanna dirty your hands

I am actually feeling comfortable voting you now.

And people say making people talk and talk isn't good
Explain. If enough people don't wanna vote you despite your terrible responses and pushes on legit everything, then I'd still prefer Mango over Zara or some other random option. Funny you can shade me as much as you want, but can't give any actual response to anything me or destroya have said incriminating you.
Okay. Looking at the @DynaMight ISO by @Destroya it does look like potentially shady behavior. It feels like lighter shading that can be pulled away from more than “D1 menace” stuff to me. The main thing that bothers me in that ISO is that it’s weak cases behind the suspicions + inconsistency.

It’s also weird that they haven’t really responded to the majority of what Destroya or Hayumi’s said to them in their long post. It feels evasive. I don’t understand why you’d not want to defend yourself unless you are maybe afraid you’ll dig a deeper hole and would rather just drop it.

I feel the same way about @RippedCal just dropping the whole question of why he thought the warning could be meant for mafia. We had a back and forth but I never got a real answer as to why he felt the need to ask me that.

@Ryu Kishi is similar to DynaMight when it comes to weak suspicion + inconsistency but honestly he looks exactly like he did last game with that stuff and he was Town, so idk maybe that’s just his normal behavior.

Can someone explain why Scum would think they are going to be killed and need to frame someone for it though? That doesn’t make much sense to me unless they were a death Miller or some kind of fake out death character (idk how that would even work).
Explain. If enough people don't wanna vote you despite your terrible responses and pushes on legit everything, then I'd still prefer Mango over Zara or some other random option. Funny you can shade me as much as you want, but can't give any actual response to anything me or destroya have said incriminating you.
If i found someone scummy as much as you did me i would literally raise hell in this thread to get you lynched

yet you are satisfied to vote for mango if i am not up for it
If i found someone scummy as much as you did me i would literally raise hell in this thread to get you lynched

yet you are satisfied to vote for mango if i am not up for it
:optimistic: Because I sus mango equally. And that hasn't changed from both my and his very first posts in the game. For someone who made two whole cases on me, I'm surprised you weren't aware.

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