Current Events Capone New Bounty

Is it 350 or 850 now :nicagesmile:
We have to see when Oda discuss about it and Bege comes back again. Though to me, that's also 350 million as well. You can clearly see space on the side than circle-like direction an 8 has. That's a 3 and kinda make sense his bounty that given Morgan and others thought Luffy was Mastermind of it all and give those associate with him increases not as large as his.

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
Why'd Oda even mess with his bounty if it wasn't getting any substantial raise? Getting nothing would have actually been better as Luffy stole all the credit.

Given how Morgans news make Luffy's jumped to 1.5, I wouldn't be surprised if Bege's really have 850 million on his head and Jinbe got 1 billion something on his
Capone's bounty was always interesting to me, because of his character, I could see him intentionally not trying to get a high bounty or do things to draw attention to him.
By EoS he'll most likely have a bounty of over 1 billion as the "Underworld Emperor"