I still can't believe that Shanks was so fast in Marineford that he came directly into the battlefield and it was only after he blocked Sakazuki that people noticed him there. Crazy how so many people just ignore this. Just imagine him docking, jumping and running to fast that even Top Tiers couldn't even see him. Unless he teleported or something which I doubt.
It reminds me of Rayleigh vs Kizaru. I've always hoped for Shanks to be like lightning, so fast you can't even see him attacking normally and being a match for Kizaru's speed easily but also in strength just as easily ofc.
It's a seriously underrated moment and what you said was very well said and important too. It really is mind blowing!
My headcanon is that he is the one who took Kid's arm due to their similarities, Shanks losing his arm and such. Maybe Kid made fun or trash talked Luffy and or Shanks and it pissed him off or and Shanks decided to try to humble him forcefully and make him become like himself ironically, with 1 less arm, "literally disarming" him? Maybe making him even bet that arm like he himself did with Luffy?
Shanks could have taken Kid's arm so fast potentially, just a super fast slash that you will literally blink and miss it and Kid would have just felt and seen his arm gone without even knowing why or who did it?
Shanks must have learnt from Rayleigh naturally and surely Roger must have been this past too ofc? He would be so naturally inspired and trained by them, Shanks seem to be Roger's favourite too so it all adds up.
I really can't wait until Oda truly lets him shine, the games alone make him look so good! He was clashing with Whitebeard with just one hand! Tearing the sky asunder and causing a massive storm and uproaring waves with their haki clash! Also blocking Akainu with his sword whose magma was hot enough to melt swords nearby without touching them!

This is possibly how he snuck through Mary Geoise so easily too, with his speed? He could still be hiding a DF depending on what it does ofc, maybe a teleport or speed fruit but it would be better if he didn't have once ofc and is just a complete beast like Rayleigh and Roger for example.