Should MonsterZoro be banned?

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Thats like assuming Usopp can't do something new or have a decent powerup. The same could have been said about Nami before Big Mom damaged her and she got Zeus
No comparison..we already seen nami with Zeus before she got her Zeus powerup.

There is literally nothing in ussops arsenal that allows him to beat page one. Especially not if a advanced coc punch from a yonko couldn't keep him koed
All i ask of Oda is to do right by Chopper, Usopp and Brook. However thats done or accomplished, just show us instances of them winning not just against fodder.

That's all. In the least, Nami, Robin, Franky and Jinbe received victories against the Flying 6. Zoro and Sanji will too. That leaves these 3 to have something significant, whatever that may be.

We have Jack, Hawkins, and Apoo left, and maaaaaybe a Number of they are strong enough. Just show us that these 3 can handle legit new world enemies, like the others have.

Maybe Page 1 gets back up for a big moment for Usopp. Maybe a few of them tag Jack. All I ask is for something good for the "ignored" trio lol
Even if Chopper doesn't get a fight, he at least had his big moment with curing everyone on the live floor from the Ice Oni Virus and he did try his best when fighting against Queen.

Usopp and Brook especially Usopp are the two SHs that really feel underused in this arc, they haven't done that much and so far they didn't get any major moments.
Nami vs Cracker round 2
Ussop vs flampe Ussop like fighting little girls
Chopper vs snack. Chopper eats cottoncandy for breakfast
Firstly we don't know if her other commanders are with smoothie. And if they are I am more entitled to believe that boa and her 2 sisters along with koby and helmeppo will show up to fight those cats. While nami and ussop deal with fodder control
Again it is a move used to clear fodder hence him using it in Fishman Island to one shot
Luffy used G3 against a fodder, again Luffy used G4 on fodders in that ship just before arriving to Oni island, Sanjii used DJ against Sheepshead in Zou. That’s not really a good measurement to claim said attack is only for fodders especially when Zoro used that attack to defeat Killer.
Sanji tried to fight both of them too, but he was thrown away.

Sanji shouts at Chopper and Miyagi to take Zoro and run if the drug doesn't work.

How does Sanji try to fight both of them?? Does he land any hits?? Does he get hit by both?? Why summaries so detailed but leave out the most important part

So jinbe vs hawkins? Serious question would jinbes internal damage work against hawkins and not be transmissable to whom ever he has dolls attached too.
No I was not talking about that, Killer has internal attacks too
It's just that Killer vs Jack would be dope and they share a lot of similarities (as characters and fighters)
Sort of a gauntlet:
- Killer coming from the Rooftop (vs Kaido&Linlin) + Battle with Hawkins
- Jack coming from Rooftop (vs Sulong Army) + Battle with Inuarashi
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