Speculations Tokikake (Chaton) and Gion (Momousagi) are canonized to be Jinbe and Yamato opponents?

Just a wild guess since they were Admiral candidates which means that their caliber is similar to Admirals...

Zoro will fight Fujitora while Sanji will fight either Kizaru or Ryokugyu... The other would be fought by a non-SH...
I am a go with the crazy prediction here, they are fighting Usopp and Nami (yes you read it right).
I plan to make a thread on that.
I am a go with the crazy prediction here, they are fighting Usopp and Nami (yes you read it right).
I plan to make a thread on that.
That really isn’t crazy.

Momousagi is close to Tsuru, and likely will be set up to take her position in the future of great staff officer. This fights Namis main enemies as the organizational types in their organization.
The owner of the cafe the baroque works officers meet up at and the secretary to Iceberg. Up next I think she might fight Fukurokujo Orochis organizer and then EOS Staff officer of the marines.
That really isn’t crazy.

Momousagi is close to Tsuru, and likely will be set up to take her position in the future of great staff officer. This fights Namis main enemies as the organizational types in their organization.
The owner of the cafe the baroque works officers meet up at and the secretary to Iceberg. Up next I think she might fight Fukurokujo Orochis organizer and then EOS Staff officer of the marines.
The crazy thing is about the power level. Fukurokujo is probably Raizo's fight though.


Zoro Worshipper
Zoro will probably fight off Kizaru with Fuji taking the backlines.

Regardless of this digression, I imagine they are pretty powerful yeah but eventually still consistently weaker than an admiral. We knew the F6 were aspiring to become All Stats yet they ended up being consistently weaker on average. Perhaps a similar situation applies. At least potentially.
I imagine they are pretty powerful yeah but eventually still consistently weaker than an admiral.
They should... I mean, there has to be a reason why they lost their candidacy... Same thing happened with Akainu vs. Aokiji...

Yup. Been on this train since day 1.

Luffy vs Akainu
Zoro vs Kizaru
Sanji vs Greenbull
Jinbei vs Chaton
Yamato vs Gion

Fujitora will either have a rematch with Sabo or do nothing at all.
I'm thinking it would be Kizaru who will have a different opponent since he's the only one not being paired there... Fujitora and Ryokugyu are pair being the 2 drafted Admirals, Chaton and Momousagi are pair being the 2 Admiral candidates...