Sanji said that his body feels strange after using the Raid Suit!

It's coming!
Sanji's Exoskeleton Power up!
I told you all that the RS since it's DNA based... it will trigger the dormant cells in Sanji's body which Sora's drug kept it at bay.
But this whole flashback was to give Sanji the exoskeleton WHILE maintaining human emotions...
Exoskeleton was always the MAIN POWER UP for me about Sanji... RS was a side power up...
Exoskeleton actually allows Sanji to:
1- Have FAST HEALING ABILITY in his normal base form
2- Have Iron Like body in his base form
3- Ability to readjust broken limbs/broken bones.... We saw Neji/Yonji do that...
4- ALSO, it allows him to expand more on his elemental power (I assume it's fire, but if Oda grants him another elemental power)
Sanji about to transcend to a whole new being on Wano!
And adding RS on top of his exoskeleton body which is gonna be tough as fuck cause Sanji's body is already powerful and sturdy and knows haki unlike his brothers.... Sanji's Arm/raw power is gonna NASTY...
His mobility will be NASTY
He will have FAST HEALING ability... similar to Ancient Zoans/Awakened Zoan
Will STILL be able to SWIM
Able to Float mid-air and have best type of mobility on air....
Also very fast
Sanji is gonna be one of the most well-rounded fighter on the show