What will happen till end of Wano?

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Hmm...the ting about the top of the redline being the land of the gods is also very interesting ^^. Considering Queen is saying that the ability to generate fire is "not human", I'm thinking that King's race were referred to as gods specifically because they are able to conjure/manipulate fire ^^. At this point I'm almost certain that the celestial dragons wiped out King's race but currently the celestials are referred to as gods that live on the redline so apart from fact that the redline is smack in the middle of the world, I wonder if them taking up residence was in an attempt to legitimize themselves as gods 🤔

Also on King, from the info we've gotten from the latest chapters, chances are that he used to be a slave of the celestial dragons, as I can't imagine he is that old, so more likely than not the celestial took some of them as slaves after taking over their territory which kinda makes Queen's comment to King on him liking torture pretty interesting ^^. Most of us assumed that King enjoys torturing people from that statement, which could still prove to the case but I'm starting to lean more towards King himself potentially enjoying getting tortured :catsweat:. I mean think about it, we've seen both Queen and Jack torture folks in some brutal way and in Queen's case even take pleasure out of it lol so it's a bit weird that King is being singled out as the one that likes to torture folks.
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Zoro Worshipper
How is ZKK exactly confirmed??
Just because 2 samurai say zoro resembles Ryuma and Ushimaru doesnt mean hell kill kaido lol
He's having a hard time against king from the looks of it.
He has yet not healed most likely. But that might soon occur if the medicine activates I guess.
No, sir. Idc rn about what this chapter says about power level. Or EL. Or wing.

I'm just saying "nothing compared to" is used for power stuff. Translator could be wrong because this chapter is translated wrong. But going around calling people kids for saying what the translation is saying, then lashing out all hurt when someone grammatically corrects you... wat

This ain't even being an arrogant toxic fuck. Just a heck-ton of insecurity, dunno where that stems from.
Pls, stop the pathetic try, I know what you are trying whenever it is related to your husbando. You people have a master degree in mental gymnastics after all and twisting the reality for your headcanon is done everyday here.

Dont act now "righteously", it's fucking cringe, holy moly.
What are the implications of Momo turning into 28 years old, him being a dragon, and having Ame no Habakiri.

It will be good enough if he manages to stop Onigashima from falling on flower capital. Kaido's and CP0's reaction will be a treat to watch :gokulaugh:
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