What will happen till end of Wano?

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Nothing do the how old he is, in that case Oven and Daifuku are older then Smoothie yet both have 300mio and Smoothie 932mio.
Perospero was always highlighted by Oda, he even give commands to Smoothie, he was always next to Katakuri.
He isn´t just a veteran, in my opinion he is legit a YC4lvl character.
That's not what I said. At all. Reread it and learn how to comprehend English and then get back to me
Guys, guys, listen to this right, what if sanji was 6 foot 4? Wouldn't he be able to kick himself in the face with that height? I-i mean practice makes...perfect? But anyways, if he was 6 foot 4 he'd be able to kick queen better, is what i'm saying, s ooo...uh....anybody got a rolling pin?:neesama:......:beckmoji:...:lusalty:
Yes. Except the training here is that you want to fire at the same rate as a pistol from a gatling gun- so by the time you get back to the pistol, you'll have far better control. At least that's the best I can come up with the comparison of bullets and guns...

Why the fuck are you using a pistol and projectile analogy to describe swords is beyond me though. This is next level stupid tbh
Because Enma releases haki and guns release bullets. So Enma is definitely an upgrade powerwise
Because Enma releases haki and guns release bullets. So Enma is definitely an upgrade powerwise
Haki is a fluid energy for coating. Bullets are individual projectiles.

From visuals, we know for sure Enma doesn't release any more haki than Wado or Sandai during rooftop. The training was to control the release of fluid via Enma which allows Zoro far more mastery over it.
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