What will happen till end of Wano?

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I know:(

But the matchup would be sick considering her powers. Would be a cool reason for why he left most strawhats reasonably healthy though. I guess we'll see if they even show up. That's step 1 lol
The issue would be that Jinbei defeating someone of a similar rank to Sanji's Opponent would be something that Oda wouldn't do. At least not in the same arc
Its a stretch, but what I'm hoping for is "sort" of Round 2s there.

Basically the 2 Calamity fights could last a long time, far longer than the 15 minute time limit Oda gave for Onigashima to crash on the island. Once Momo saves the island, its possible the remaining crew notices the BMP have been following the island to invade it.

Thus prompts 2nd round fights with some characters. Someone like Jinbe could fight Smoothie. Some like Chopper could fight Daifuku or have a strong enough new form for Snack or Compote. Nami could decimate half the weak fodder with Zeus. Brook/Usopp could fight or tag Snack. Hell, give Kawamatsu, Izo and Denjiro something to do too. Raizo, Inu and Neko have major fights, so why can't they?

Weird ideas like that. I don't expect it but it's fun to think about
  • Smoothie

  • Compote
  • Daifuku
  • Mont'dor
  • Galette
There are enough opponents tot give something to straw hats like Brook, Chopper and Brook each. Heck even give Jinbe an actual difficult fight against a commander, Nami could get an actual legit victory now that she'll be in control of Zeus. You say Snack is there too? I don't remember it. Why not against shogun less Franky lol
It's a stretch but that would give actual purpose to BMP being there. I personally don't mind the arc taking longer to finish if we get that. I'm not hasty for the series to end.
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