[FNZ] Role Madness [Season 2] Round 12 - Genshin Impact

Is Flower always scum?

  • A) Yes

    Votes: 22 66.7%
  • B) Option A

    Votes: 11 33.3%

  • Total voters
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Lead them to paradise.
I’m not ready to lynch @ConquistadoR yet, because I’m not entirely sure his reaction wasn’t panicked Town instead of panicked Scum.. yet. He got pretty defensive last game when he was accused of being Scum too (although this was ramped up to 11).

But I will say we have an interesting situation in this @Fruitji vs @Ekkologix thing where Fruitji has come at Conq and Ekko has kind of defended him.

Can you point me to that pls.
how much u know about the game?
I know basics about mafia, @Zem and @AL sama told me about the game.
did u get a chance to read everything?
I havent read all the convo till now. Do I need to re-read everything till now? will it affect the other phases as well?
u can always check ur role PM
yeah I've checked my role
everyone will have teammates to guide them. feel free to ask urs any time and lemme know who they r!
ohh okay
k lets put the ball on ur court then

why conquis? could u run me down and give me summary of ur case on him pls
i do seem him as more genuine personally
Not sure how you see him as genuine, if I'm being honest.

So the first thing that kind of made me suss Conq was that although he was fluffing to begin the game, there were a few posts of his where it kind of felt like he was trying to figure out how to suss someone. Obviously wolves have to makeup reasons to suss and vote someone and I felt like there was a hint of that tone in Conq, especially in posts 38, 91, and 101. Post 101 was a comment on me so I replied saying it's my new meta to tunnel newbies and buddy (which was a joke). He then responded by saying that was exactly how I played last game (where I was scum). Hayumi called him a susslord on post 151 which Conq replied by saying it was because he was more confident that he knows the game well. Well, Conq said he played this game tons in real life and I thought he played fairly confident in his first game, so this stood out as a weird response to me. When I asked if he rolled Wolf, if said that I was talking out of my ass. He also said he was done being tricked by me, so these two posts really jarred me and that's why I went after him. His defense consisted of him referencing last game a lot about how I tricked him and tunneled newbies, which really shouldn't apply to how I went after him in this game. He also accused me of being the master manipulator and that I was convincing all of these players to go after him, which in reality, Hayumi and Nat came to the conclusion there was something scummy about him on their own. He then wrote a wallie defending himself after he had previously said he was laughing at these accusations. Overall, his defense has been a mess and he's not only switched stories already (he thought I was talking out of my ass but then felt he needed to defend himself), and had a varying amount of emotions (as previously mentioned), but he also then resorted to saying he'd claim, which I thought was super weird because his first game Mafia had access to fake claims, so considering how he was using that game to try and discredit me, he should absolutely remember the fake claims and that him claiming shouldn't be a ticket to reading him Town.


No dude... that's a bike...!!
You definitely missed the start of last game. Dest got into a tooth and nail battle with Dyna D1 as Scum lol.
i did miss early game

dyna is generally low post count player but hes rly good, its odd to see these 2 vs each other

do u think dest is pulling the same thing here? twice in a row?
Can you point me to that pls.

not sure, but i think ur nitpicking too much for early day 1
why r u asking me tho?
those posts were 16 pages apart dest
i thought it was pretty weird for u to suddenly adopt that angle of lets not give newbies free pass and see u tunnel them for majority of the early day

prof looked scum to me based of his entrance but he had that 1 post that i rly liked, and i dont think he is the type of players that fake an immune result. your posts to him seem forced after awhile and repetitive

honestly same for conquis, ur gna try to push them and eventually get a claim from them then what? u could of just outed a powerful town role because u know new players might just succumb to pressure easier and just reveal their role so it seemed a bit forced to go this hard on them that early
k lets put the ball on ur court then

why conquis? could u run me down and give me summary of ur case on him pls
i do seem him as more genuine personally
@Fruitji got really defensive on everyone for a minute there. He came at almost everyone actively participating in the conversation about him & @Ekkologix

Not related but I will say that he & @ConquistadoR probably aren’t teammates since he was on Conq pretty hard from the jump:
I don't think being defensive should be AI, however, how the person defends themselves. I absolutely believe that EVERYONE, no matter what they roll, should defend themselves because as Town, you don't want to be mislynched, and as Wolf you don't want to be lynched.


Lead them to paradise.
Fuji I love you, but I will never understand why people ignore others in a game or allow themselves to get so emotional that they have to do this. Especially since Ekko and you have been fairly civil compared to some of the real heated moments in Mafia.
Its for my peace of mind, he can tunnel me where i can’t see it. That way he’s happy with his “scum hunting” and i’m not subjected to his verbal diarrhea.
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